TodoList is an homescreen widget to view and manage todos. It uses QtMobility 1.2 Organizer module.
Todos can be created and deleted
- Can set status for todos (Done/Not Done).
- Uses same data from internal calendar database. So todos are syncronized when doing backups.
- Todos have different checkbox colours, depening the calendar they belong to.
- Widget can be customized to fullfill each user tastes, from font size, to row height and width, to widget opacity.
- Widget can manage resizes: all icons resize to correct size depending on user choices and values.
- Creating new todos is simple and require just a tap on the “+” button. Data is defaulted to current date.
- Supports multi istances with each own settings.
- Calendars to be shown can be selected for each widget istance.
Current version: 0.3.1 (extras-devel)
Package overview page.
Source Maemo.Org