Home Tizen Store official website now shows Themes as well as Apps

Tizen Store official website now shows Themes as well as Apps

Samsung has previously released the Tizen Store’s official website and of this year allowed users to search the store from their desktop. Shortly after that they provided have provided features to app sellers to be able to search more quickly for any given app. Now, users are able to search for themes on the Tizen Store desktop website just like apps. It is really a good decision by the developers. Users can view any of theme which is available on the theme store as well.
As a reminder, Tizen Store had taken the step of becoming accessible online with app search feature. Users can find apps in the following categories: Essential Apps, Addictive Games, Top Camera Apps, Best Utility Apps, Racing Games and Music & Video and some more. Clicking on each individual section gives users all the relevant apps, which have a full description, a list of supported devices, app last updated date and app current size. Users can also find help if they are experiencing any issues when accessing the Tizen Store and a list of the FAQ.
And here at Tizen Experts, the number #1 website for Tizen OS related News, we have published new and good smartphone apps and smartphone games, as well as app update news covering the latest features. So, you should now follow our channel continuously and subscribe your email for email notification on every news or subscribe for week-in-review for notify one time per week and you can also join our Tizen Telegram channel for telegram broadcasting. Check out our Tizen weekly round up post for directions.

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