Home The Tizen Partners Summit will be held in Warsaw, Poland, from 23rd to 24th February 2017

The Tizen Partners Summit will be held in Warsaw, Poland, from 23rd to 24th February 2017

Samsung Electronics and R&D Poland will play host to the Tizen Partners Summit that is to be held 23rd & 24th February 2017 in Warsaw, Poland. This special event is for representatives of companies that are involved with creating software and apps for the Tizen Platform.
Interested parties will see presentations and learn more about products & services used and developed by Samsung Electronics and R&D in Poland. There will be a Demo Room to show off Tizen Unity for smartphones, VRs and Samsung Smart TV.
During this two-day event that Samsung is hoping will achieve the following:

  • increase awareness about Tizen OS,
  • educate about OS and compatible device:
    • Smart TV
    • Gear S Family
    • Family HUB
    • Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSSP 4.0)
  • build business relationships with local developers and eventually increase the number of application and projects developed by Polish coders and companies.

There will be a panel discussion on the first day of the event about Tizen’s future, where attendees being able to share their experiences and ideas. On the second day, there will be a workshop for Technical Leads and Developers covering the following: General path (Development and Certification), Smart TV path for beginners and advanced, B2B path.
For more information please e-mail at. [email protected]

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