Home Tizen Mobile App Incentive Program – Ninja Samurai Assassin Hero Designer Shares Tips For Tizen Developers

Tizen Mobile App Incentive Program – Ninja Samurai Assassin Hero Designer Shares Tips For Tizen Developers

The Tizen Mobile App Incentive program sponsored by Samsung is still ongoing with each app on the top 100 most downloaded list is assured of $10,000. The program will run until October 2017 with 5 months gone already.
Samsung newsroom recently caught up with the developers of one of the winning app/games for the month of April, Ninja Samurai Assassin Hero. The game is developed by HGames-Artworks and the interview session saw the CEO and Game Designer David Hofmann and the level designer and Engineer Zdenek Hofmann, who shared their insights into the winning game, the company and some vital tips for Tizen developers.
From the short interview, we could gather that the company is an innovative startup that only started developing games in 2014, just three years ago. The company has got two other games and its games are available on the Android platform and now, this one is hitting the Tizen Store. From the looks of things, the game was just ported from Android or iOS to the Tizen platform using Unity, a cross-platform game engine which comes bundled with a convenient editor to develop 2D and 3D game worlds.
The interview also saw the app developer sharing special know-hows and development tips for porting Unity 3D games to Tizen. The process of porting a game involves setting texture resolution, audio compressions and deleting scripts that were mainly for iOS and Android. The game designer also sees the Tizen Store as a new store with a lot of growth potentials. Catch the entire interview session from below:-
Note: Interview is in Russian but there are subtitles 🙂

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