At Tizen Experts we are dedicated to bringing you the latest news, straight to the web, your Telegram client and now YouTube. Today, we have uploaded our first Tizen Experts Weekly Round Up video for Week ending 06 August 2017. We will now be publishing a weekly video for you that covers some of the items that we think you might find Interesting from the previous weeks articles. We will aim at publishing the video usually on a Sunday.
You can see the full list of news items here. Please make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive all the weekly updates and also join the Tizen Experts Telegram channel. Telegram is a versatile messaging application that is available on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, as well as desktop platforms – PC, Mac OSX and Linux. You are able to chat securely and encrypted across platforms with your device and now has supergroups that can have up to 10,000 members.
If you have any news items that you want to make it into this weeks news, ready for next weeks video, then please send us an email at [email protected]. We feature stories for Smartwatch, Smart TV, Internet of Things (IoT), developer and more. Happy viewing.