Tizen Devlab
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM (PDT)
Salon Solutions Linux CNIT Paris-La-Defense
Hall Marie Curie – Workshop
Rue Carpeaux
92800 Puteaux
The DevLab Plan:
Tizen Devlab conference will make its debut in France about the Tizen operating system. Developers will be presented with the opportunity of previewing the new Operating System.
11:45 AM – Event Opening
12:00 PM – Start
Introducing the Tizen ecosystem :What is Tizen? (15 ‘) An introduction to Tizen , the cross platform compatibility as well as the role affirmation of Foundation Linux and Tizen Association in relations to developers.
Architecture Tizen (15 mins) (By Stephane Desneux, Eurogiciel) A presentation of the various linux kernels and how the combinations of different layers could enable many possibilities such as adding Web framework or framework Native.
The Tizen SDK (30 mins (By Philippe Coval Eurogiciel) Eclipse based new Tizen SDK will be presented along side its integrated tools such as UI builder , Dynamic Analyzer Debugger.
Demonstration (20 mins) (By Philippe Coval and Stéphane Desneux)
Questions and answers (10 mins)
1:15PM – Buffet lunch
2:15PM – Live coding presentation “how to wear your HTML5 application Tizen an hour chrono” You will be shown how to ‘wear’ a WebApp from scratch within the hour via the WebApp Javascript API which is given by Tizen to provide a true developer experience.
3:15PM – Finalists announced for Tizen WebApp Challenge.
3:30PM – Event End
- Raphael Syren (Head of Mobile Content & Services) – Tizen Ecosystem Leader at Samsung) : Has a strong knowledge of strategic marketing , product and operations. Raphael whom joined Samsung in January 2012.
- Philippe Coval (Senior Engineer at Eurogiciel) – Currently works on the declination Tizen-PC for Intel , An active contributor to the OpenSource and free software movement whom has been involved in the MeeGo community as well as GNU / Linux / Debian.
- Stéphane Desneux (Senior Engineer at Eurogiciel) – Actively participates with the development of the Tizen-PC within intel aswell as integration with various platforms. Has experiences in web development , digital signage and behavioral analysis on web designing embedded systems.
- Benjamin Garigues (Founder of ‘Simple App’) – ‘Simple App’ was founded in October 2009 and aims to counter the growing need for the development of mobile applications on different types of media. Benjamins background includes over 10 years experience as a Application developer and architect.
Source Eventbrite