Home Tizen Developer Summit Shanghai 2014 #TDS14SH

Tizen Developer Summit Shanghai 2014 #TDS14SH

At the Tizen Developer Summit shanghai 2014, Brian Warner kicked off the Keynote sessions to a packed Chinese crowd, which was a great sight to see. He drew attention to the fact that there have been releases several Tizen products this year, which hasn’t been the case in recent times.
Tizen was in Shanghai and ready to talk to the Chinese. The event didn’t substantially build upon what was shown at the Tizen Developer Conference earlier this year, but then I suppose it didn’t have to be, after all this wasn’t a conference aimed at San Fransico, but aimed squarely at Chinese Developers and Development companies, for them to jump onboard with Open Source and Tizen.
We look at what advantages we have with using Tizen, and the advantages that this could potentially have over the competition. Small memory size is becoming increasingly popular as the Smartphone fight is taken to a lower price point. Tizen also gives you best HTML5 performance, with fast app boot and response times.
Another key strength of Tizen is its enhanced security. This is something that has not been bolted on as an afterthought, but have very much been thought out as part of the architecture. We have an Anti-virus framework which is tasked with detecting viruses and malware BEFORE installation. Access Control also enables your private files to remain just that, private.
The plugin architecture means that third party companies can create their Antivirus or gaming engines that simply plugin and are easily managed from that point forward.
The profile approach to devices means that you take a common core of packages and services that is common to different device platforms and add device specific features to create different devices profiles. As the name suggests the set of common components / features is called Tizen Common. For us at Tizen Experts, Tizen Common is one of the most exciting innovations in Tizen, and we hope to see
The Tizen SDK is evolving as one SDK that can be used to create apps for various devices. We have seen this merger of SDK’s since Tizen 2.3 Beta has been released.
With convergence you are able to easily connect and also share your media across various devices through a virtual communication network.
The Technical Steering Group (TSG) explained the Open Source Governance model, and how this could help an Open Source OS like Tizen. As we head towards Tizen 3.0, we should see Tizen being governed more openenly in accordance to a open source development model.
As an Open Source project there are various ways that you can get involved with the project and also help contribute to it.
The released timeline of Tizen shows that we are looking at a May 2015 release of Tizen 3.0 for Mobile / TV / Wearable and other profiles. This will be a great boost to the Tizen OS in terms of the number of device categories that manufacturers can utilise Tizen for, and also a boost to the Tizen app ecosystem.
The Tizen based Samsung Gear S is a remarkable device. Having hands on with it, it does stand distinguish itself from the terms in terms of performance and potential.
The Samsung NX1 is a pro camera aimed at the professional photographer. The DRIMe V processor builds on the achievements on the DRIMe IV professor that we have seen in the Samsung NX30, but the NX1 has a 55ms fast autofocus, and 15 frames per second captured at full RAW 28MP, yes, impressive.
The Tizen TV profile will be available during the second half of 2014. You can use the WebAPI to be able to easily create cross device platform applications.
As we have more Tizen devices platforms, developers will be able to target multiple devices and obtain 100% revenue share for developers for the first year after the Tizen App Store is opened.
The Chinese Industry Support for Tizen is quite impressive with major companies pledging their backing. There are a number of technical sessions taking place over the 2 days of the Tizen Developer Summit Shanghai 2014, and developers will have the chance to learn what Tizen is and how they can get involved with developing their applications for the OS. There was lots more on Tizen TV, Devices, Gear S, DevLab etc, but these will be in separate posts.

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