A few days ago we reported that the first Tizen custom firmware for the Galaxy Gear was released by Skin1980, well now its been updated to version 2.0
- Based on the last NF1;
- Rooted;
- battery saver tnx to a specific script that help when u use the gear with non samsung phone;
- boot animation and shutdown animation changed with Tizen stock from emulator;
- removed camera sound;
- added Android L font (roboto light);
New in v2.0
- added the options to install custom ringtones, alarms and alerts;
- added the options to install custom boot and shoutdown animations;
- added the option to install custom icon (only for stock apps ATM);
- added the option to install custom fonts (broken ATM… need test);
- added the option to set cpu governor ( slp ( stock), tizen_phone, ondemand_org, powersave, performance);
- added the option to set cpu max freq ( 800Mhz, 700Mhz, 600Mhz, 400Mhz);
For full Installation and addition code scripts, head on over to the XDA Developer thread.