Right about now everyone and their dog knows about the Three network outage. Many people were left inconvenienced when they couldn’t get any data and I would imagine so! Three blamed this issue on “maintenance”. As well as this, people should know that if you were seriously inconvenienced by the network outage you could potentially get compensation.
Obviously people aren’t automatically guaranteed the outage compensation from Three. But, if you complain about the situation you were put in.. You could get something back. To call Three: You either call 333 from a Three phone or 0333 338 1001 from a normal phone.
Have Your Evidence Ready
To back up your complaints you will want to have screenshots from your phone. You can use these as evidence and to prove you’re not just someone who wants more data for free. As well as this, you’ll want to note how long you weren’t able to use your phone for. Any other extra costs that you’ve been charged for due to the outage should also be mentioned. You can possibly get compensation for that too.
Now at this point, you can either call Three or use their live chats on their website (if it’s working. Lol)
Three have also said: “If you’d would like to talk to us about compensation, please call us on 333 and we will consider each case on an individual basis.” and “We are experiencing a high volume of calls, so we ask our customers to please bear with us.”
If you’re still having issues after eight weeks, you can submit your issue to an independent Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme. You can ask questions about filing a complaint, you can call Three’s customer service team so you can go through it with them.
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