If you’re an avid Telegram user then you might be familiar with their new client App named Telegram X. This new App is seen as more of an experimental application that is said to be faster, with smoother animations and offer better features than its older sibling. Telegram is a popular messaging app, especially among the tech-savvy, that is focused on security. Some hardcore hackers would have some things to say about that, but that is a different story possibly for a different post.
Now, Telegram X seems to have mysteriously gone missing from the Play Store. At the moment we can not see any reason for it disappearing as there has not been a public announcement by the company or anything on their social media channels to indicate that there is an issue. The iOS version seems to be still alive on the Apple AppStore, or at least for the time being, as they both disappeared from it at the start of this month – be it for only a short period of time.
If you really need the app, then you can grab the Telegram X APK file from APKMirror. I really love Night mode and the fact that you can change the text size – that alone should be a good reason to give it a go. Making the switch is pretty painless as you can log into Telegram X with your existing Telegram Messaging account.
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