We recently reported on a new Telegram client courtesy of Samsung R&D Institute Indonesia (SRIN) that can be found in the Tizen Store. This is a native app so you can rest assured that it will be fast and responsive.
Telegram Messenger is a versatile messaging application that is available on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, as well as desktop platforms – PC, Mac OSX and Linux. You are able to chat securely and encrypted across platforms with your device and now has supergroups that can have up to 10,000 members.
Now, there has been an update to the Tizen client app with a number of important bug fixes in version 0.1.1. In particular there was an account creation issue that I know a number of our readers were struggling with.
Telegram Client update version 0.11
- Account creation bug fixed
- Notification bug fixed
- Account now showing from settings/manage telegram from settings
The app is compatible with the Samsung Z2 and Z4, but no news at the moment of Z1 and Z3 compatibility at the moment. Supported Devices: SM-Z400Y, SM-Z200F, SM-Z200M, SM-Z200Y, SM-Z400F. Download size of 12MB.
You might be Interested to know we have launched our own Tizen Experts Telegram Channel, so you can join and get the latest Tizen News direct to your smartphone.