Teenagers are endlessly fascinating, strange balls of neurotic/sexual energy. What company isn’t interested in collecting data points about teens’ behavior toward technology? (If you can think of one, please tell me in the comments. I promise to send you a shout-out on Twitter.)
A new study from Openet, a provider of Service Optimization Software (SOS) conducted a small-scale survey using data from 503 U.S. 13-17 year-old cell phone users. The survey discovered that cyber-bullying on cell phones was a major issue. Interestingly, only 1% of teen sext, which dispels a myth perpetuated by the teen texting trend wave. And apparently cyber-bullying on social networks is not an issue for the teen set as people previously believed. The real problem starts and ends with phones.
The survey reveals both the bullies and victims of cyber-bullying. So even though 41% of teens have been cyber-bullied on their cell phones, it’s 25% of those kids are the actual cyber-bullies. The survey also found that heavy cell phone users were more likely to engage in inappropriate behaviors. Only 23% of teens fit this category of heavy cell phone users, sending approximately 1,800 texts per month. Of these types, 46% experience cyber-bullying on their phones versus 23% of normal users.
Don’t Fall Asleep With Your Phone, Kid
These days, it’s common to be glued to your phone, mobile device, mini-computer, whatever you want to call it. Heavy users admit that they’re more likely to use their devices during inappropriate times. A total 94% of this type say they’re using their phones at night when they should be asleep versus only 70% of lighter users. They’re also more likely to use their phones at school during class (74%) as opposed to only 41% of regular users.
Image via decoder.drugfree.org.