Home Stake partners with BetBlocker to enhance responsible gambling offering

Stake partners with BetBlocker to enhance responsible gambling offering

Crypto casino platform Stake has teamed up with BetBlocker to make it easier for customers to access its responsible gambling (RG) tool at no extra cost.

The new agreement will enhance Stake’s player safeguarding measures in its duty to minimize gambling harm and losses for its customer base.

BetBlocker is a non-profit organization focused on providing free and confidential software to help individuals manage their betting activity and take steps to stay in control. The anonymous service allows users to block an array of gambling websites and platforms, enabling gamblers to set a timeframe ranging from an indefinite period to an effective permanent ban.

Pedro Romero, Chief of Safer Gambling Partnerships at BetBlocker, stated, “BetBlocker is thrilled to collaborate with Stake to expand the reach of our software. We are delighted that Stake is taking a significant step forward in promoting responsible gambling.” 

A Stake spokesperson added, “We pride ourselves on delivering an entertaining and customer-centric experience while acknowledging the importance of responsible gambling.”

“Strengthening our relationship with BetBlocker plays an integral role in ensuring their product serves to benefit our customers.”

Stake acknowledges need for responsible gaming

Stake.com is an Australian-Curacaon business, with its headquarters in the small, Dutch-Caribbean island state. It has risen to prominence with its cryptocurrency casino offering as well as an extensive sportsbook which has seen 45 billion sports gaming bets processed in just 3 years.

Stake.com launched in the UK in partnership with TGP Europe in December 2021, followed by its arrival in the United States the following year under the banner of Stake.us. The company has Kick as a subsidiary, with the popular streaming platform increasingly competing with market leader Twitch.

Canadian rapper Drake is one of a few high-profile celebrities who have an affiliation with Stake.

Previously this year, the company agreed with Mancala Gaming to bring its game offerings to Stake’s website in the States, while it also signed terms with the UFC as its official sponsor partner in Asia.

Earlier this month, BetBlocker entered into a collaboration with Blask, a provider of AI-driven analytics in iGaming, to share data. This latest agreement with Stake represents a further boost to its credentials and reputation for providing a helpful resource for those who need it, and to further carry the message of responsible gambling. 

Image credit: Ideogram

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Graeme Hanna
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