The Tizen Store, which is an application / games store similar to Google’s PlayStore or Apple’s App Store, is currently open in India and Bangladesh, following the launch of the Tizen based Samsung Z1 in those respective countries. Now it seems that the Tizen Store has become accessible to users in South Korea, as can be seen in the screenshots of the Korean Tizen Store:
Samsung restrict access to the Tizen Stores based on geographical location of released Tizen Smartphones / Devices. Could this mean that a Tizen Smartphone is releasing soon in South Korea? This is only one piece of the puzzle, but it does looking encouraging.
Samsung would be looking at potentially releasing a Tizen Smartphone with higher specifications than the Z1 for their home country, so potentially the rumoured Samsung Z2 could be the Tizen launch device.
Keep tuned for more Information @TizenExperts