Home Smartwatch App: My converter FREE for limited time Only for Gear S2 / S3

Smartwatch App: My converter FREE for limited time Only for Gear S2 / S3

Are you someone who loves to shop on eBay or purchase items from different countries with different currencies? Travellers, for example, must rely on a currency converter when it comes to purchasing goods and products from other countries on their journeys, and a currency converter app can prove in these times to be a person’s best friend. If you’re someone who needs to convert speed and distance to figure out how much money you’ll need for transportation from one place to another, a good converter app can help with that, too.
The My Converter app is one that does just what the name says: it “converts” currencies for money and other units for additional needs. So, if you want to see how the Euro and the US dollar stack up, for example, you need only punch in the numbers and watch the My Converter app provide the answer you seek. The app itself provides 59 different conversion units for your selection (including computer storage, cooking, area, energy/work, Force, food price-mass, length-distance, image resolution, temperature, time, torque, volume, and age, among others) and is a fully standalone app on the Gear S2 and Gear S3 smartwatches – meaning that you need not worry about relying on your smartphone to do this when you’re out and about.

Currently, as part of a promotion with Tizen Experts, the My Converter app is FREE from the 9th February until 13th February for the Gear S2 and Gear S3, and has also be released for Samsung Tizen range of smartphones, Samsung Z1, Z2 and Z3. You can find the respective apps in both the Tizen Store and the Galaxy Apps Store. If you’re interested in downloading the My Converter app, we suggest you grab this app immediately before the full price is restored. If you download the app, feel free to come back here and let us know you did.
To find out more, check out the app video below.

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