Home Samsung SC-03F SmartPhone King of HTML5 Tests with 500 points

Samsung SC-03F SmartPhone King of HTML5 Tests with 500 points

Hello …. What have we here??
Recently my BlackBerry friends had the joyful opportunity of gloating that the BlackBerry Browser had attained a HTML5Test.com score of 491.
I vowed to them on that day that Tizen would return as King of the HTML5Test.com and it has with the help from a smartphone prototype with the Model Number SC-03F from Samsung Electronics.

500 Points

Some additional information has been gleaned for this model including Samsung SC-03F, it runs Tizen OS 2.2, HD resolution screen (720 x 1280 px). BlackBerry 10.2 had a score of 491 and Chrome 31 on Android with 484.
User Agent listed data:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Tizen 2.2; SEC_SC-03F) AppleWebKit/537.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/2.2 Mobile Safari/537.3

SC-O3F prototype model has previously been confirmed as the latest device from Samsung Mobile that runs Tizen OS 2.2 that has passed internal testing and communication of NTT DoCoMo and feasibility certified unpublished on 24 November 2013 yesterday. Terminal with model number SC-03F (SGH-N099) mentioned accommodate 4G/LTE network in 2100 (I) / 1800 (B3) / 1500 (B21) / 800 (B19) MHz, W-CDMA in 2100 (I) / 850 (V ) / 800 (VI / XIX) MHz, MHz GSM 1900/1800/900/850, and Wi-Fi/Wireless LAN (2.4GHz/5.2GHz/5.3GHz/5.6GHz/5.7GHz).

Korean logistics data published by Zauba further reinforces this data with their search results for the User Agent of model SC-03F, and the data from the data taken from spmode.ne.jp. SC-03F device has previously received certification for the design and construction standards of the technology used Telecommunication and Communication Department of the Interior (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications / MIC) in Japan which was published in September 2013 and TUV certification on 11 September 2013.
Not long to go now for the Tizen release. Are you ready?
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