A Telegram Secure Messaging client was originally launched in the Tizen store for the Samsung Z3 back in January 2016, but unfortunately it was removed shortly after. Now, another client app has emerged named “Plugin for Telegram Unofficial“, which as the name suggests is another unofficial Telegram client.
Plugin for Telegram launches pretty quickly and seems to send and receive messages reasonably fast. You have to be careful when using the app – If you press the back button it gives you the option to exit and if you press ok it closes the app and then you will not receive any notifications of messages you receive. A better option is to press the home key and that will keep the app running in the background and you will still receive notifications of new messages. Another issue is that you are unable to save images or videos sent to you, ut as this is version 1.0.0 I am hoping that gets ironed out in the future.
Added functionality:
- Country detection
- Background messages
- Import contact from phonebook
Note from the developer
This App is based on Webogram open source code: https://github.com/zhukov/webogram and the source code is at: https://github.com/ justapps4you/plugin-for-telegram-unofficial.
Please, DO NOT redistribute this App without changing the authorization app_id and app_hash with your own app_id and your own api_hash.
This is Version: 1.0.0 of the app with a download size of 4.6MB. I’m hoping it becomes more stable and gets more Telegram features with future updates.