Home [Updated] Sleep Genius App hits the Samsung Apps Store for the Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo

[Updated] Sleep Genius App hits the Samsung Apps Store for the Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo

As of today, the Sleep Genius App is now available to download from the Samsung Apps Store. Sleep Genius is the world’s most advanced sleep program that is also available for Android and iOS, and now the GEAR 2 !!! The Sleep Genius program was developed over decades by experts in neuroscience, sleep, sound, and music following their research in getting Astronauts to sleep for NASA.

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The system uses Neurosensory Algorithms that help you sleep faster by utilising a trigger mechanism in your brain, which works in a similar fashion to when a “Baby is rocked to sleep”


  • Revive Cycle Alarm – Gentle sounds start 5 minutes before you need to wake, so gradually woken from sleep
  • Sleep Program – Fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your deep sleep

The Interface has a simple and uncluttered look to it. To initiate the Sleep Program, you have to select sleep and then select how long you want it to play the “sleep music” to you for, options are 90mins, 180 mins or infinite. It is advised to use the infinite or “all night long” option when you first start using the app. For the revive cycle alarm, it is the same as setting the alarm on any other clock app 🙂

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Samsung has raised the bar for wearable technology by integrating a solution that goes beyond tracking to actually  treat sleep disorders that now affect 1 in 4 people,” said Colin House, Sleep Genius CEO. “The Sleep Genius app was developed by experts in neuroscience, sleep, sound, and music following their research helping NASA get astronauts to sleep. Now, through the pioneering vision of Samsung, this safe and effective solution for sleeplessness will come to the aid of a much larger audience.”

Hands On Video
With the Introduction of the Tizen Samsung Gear 2, and the release of the Wearable SDK, we are hopeful that the Tizen wearable ecosystem will attract some good applications. If you are a Android / HTML5 developer then this is a great time to jump onboard with Tizen and make money in an unsaturated market place (feel free to contact us to discuss).

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