Home Secret Recorder App now available for the Samsung Gear S2 / S3

Secret Recorder App now available for the Samsung Gear S2 / S3

Today, we have had quite a useful little app released on the Samsung Galaxy Apps Store for the Samsung Gear S2 and S3. Secret Recorder is an app which lets you record audio in secret thus you no longer need your mobile phone for that function, and above all, it can be done in a covert manner.
Secret Recorder lets you record endless audio without anyone realizing as the app runs in the background. This way, if you’re in a situation where you can’t openly record a conversation, you can record it secretly. The great thing about this app is the way it opens. Just launch it and it will automatically start recording without being noticed. You can then press the power button to send it to the background. There will be no indication on your screen and there’s nothing to suggest it might be recording. You can even record when your screen is locked.
Secret Recorder app also includes tonnes of customization options. Once inside this menu, you can configure the app exactly how you want it. Secretly record everything around you and keep proof of any important events you want to record.

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