Results for "z3"

We found 716 results for your search.
  • News
    Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch Now Available at Amazon

      The Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch is slowly being rollout globally, with Initial markets being the US, Singapore,South Korea and Germany. Now, the Gear S2 has go on sale at the Online retailer, with the Gear S2 priced at $299.00 and the Gear S2 Classic at $349.00. The standard...

  • Developer
    [Developer] 100% Revenue Share in the Tizen Store Extended to December 2016

      Hey developers, Initially when the Tizen Store was launched there was a great revenue share promotion in which you receive 100% of the sales revenue for applications and In App Purchase sold during the promotion period. Well, with the launch of the Samsung Z3 this deal has been extended...

  • News
    Samsung Gear S2 smartwatch, Released in Australia for $499

      It's been an exciting day with the launch of the Samsung Z3 in India, but we also have more news on the Gear S2 smartwatch. The Samsung Gear S2 will be available in Australia from today at its stores in Melbourne, Sydney and online, with additional retailers to follow...

  • Developer
    [Updated] Samsung Z Smartphone Spotted in the Samsung Remote Test Lab (RTL). Could release in India?

      UPDATE: It seems that the Samsung Z will not be available on the Samsung Remote Test Lab (RTL) or available in India. The device appeared online due to some configuration changes in the India servers.   The Samsung Z, model number SM-Z910F, was the original Tizen Smartphone that was...

  • Application
    [Application] HERE Maps to come bundled with the Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch

      HERE Maps has been a long-time partner of Tizen and has already shipped on some of its products, the Samsung Z1 Smartphone and also the Samsung Gear S Smartwatch. Now HERE has made an announcement that HERE Maps will also support the upcoming successor to the Gear S, the...

  • Developer
    Tizen Developer Conference 2015 Shenzhen, China – Wrap Up

      The Tizen Developer Conference 2015 took place in Shenzhen China 17 - 18 September. Over 1,000 developers from all over China and Asia gathered to learn more about the new OS of Everything, with the new slogan "The Best way to connect everything", a clear reference ot the world...

  • Developer
    [Video] Tizen 2.4 beta SDK Introduction

      The Tizen 2.4 Beta SDK boasts the addition of over 3,000 new APIs that also brings with it some great functionality that developers are surely going to make use of in their applications. The Tizen 2.4 beta SDK is avabile now to download. Check out the video below to...

  • Developer
    Tizen reference device to be given to Tizen Developers in China

      In July we saw Tizen Developers in India be given the TM1 developer device, which was a great move to help grow the Tizen ecosystem. Now developers attending the Tizen Developer Conference 2015, currently underway in Shenzhen China, will be given the Samsung TM1 device tomorrow morning. Samsung announced...

  • Featured
    Samsung to bring Tizen to Europe with Germany, France, UK, Russia and Poland on the hit list?

      Samsung have decided to launch the first Tizen Smartphones initially in south asian emerging markets. The Initial launch was in India which was then followed by Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The Samsung Z1 Smartphone has done better than most would of expected with sales of over 1 Million...

  • News
    Oh my lord, Samsung will support the iPhone with the Gear S2 … Grrrr!

      With gritted teeth I type this post. According to the latest news, Samsung could be looking at supporting the iPhone (closed ecosystem, beyond simple user interface, iSheep etc) with the Gear S2. An official Samsung spokesman apparently confrimed the Information to Digital Spy, that they were actively looking to...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S2 to be compatible with non-samsung smartphones

      We have been waiting for Tizen smartwatches to be compatible with non-samsung smartphones for a long time now, and there is some good news that was annouced at the Samsung Gear S2 showcase event. Samsung are allowing non-samsung devices to connect to suitable Android smartphones!!! There are a couple...

  • Featured
    Samsung Gear S2, a new user Interface for those that dare to be different

      Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch Samsung showcased the Tizen based Samsung Gear S2 at IFA 2015. The Smartwatch was Introduced by Younghee Lee, Executive VP Global Marketing for IT & Mobile Division, as a device that is "ahead of the curve" and it takes bravery to stay ahead of the...

  • Code
    Cortana Arrives On Android To Spearhead Microsoft’s Mobile Assault

    After the official announcement in May and a short period of closed beta testing, Microsoft's Cortana digital assistant app has arrived on Android as a public beta—you need to jump through a couple of (easy) hoops to download it, and bugs should be expected. But essentially anyone is welcome to...

  • Developer
    [Developer] Tizen Developer Summit helps strengthen the Tizen ecosystem

      Tizen Developer Summit 2015 India India hosted the first ever Tizen Developer Summit on July 30-31 in Bengaluru. This event marks clearly the importance of the Indian market for Smartphones and the need for new Tizen application developers. According to a recent report by the Indian Council for Research...

  • Developer
    [Pictures] Tizen Developer Summit give-away device, Samsung TM1 lands at Tizen Experts

      Developers attending the Tizen Developer Summit Bengaluru India were lucky enough to receive the Samsung TM1 (the offical name) as the developer giveaway device. The device has Tizen 2.4 Beta loaded on it and not Tizen 3.0 that has previously been reported by other websites, when will they learn...

  • News
    Samsung to release first Tizen Smartphone in Egypt by early 2016

      Interesting news. Egypt is said to be looking at releasing their first Tizen-powered smartphones in the Egyptian markets at the beginning of 2016. That Information is according to Samsung's IT and Mobile Product Manager, Raafat Khalil said Tuesday. Could this hail the release of the Samsung Z1 or the...

  • Featured
    Samsung gearing up to launch a Tizen Smartphone in Europe?

      Samsung was originally supposed to launch the Samsung Z in Russia last year, followed by a European roll-out, but that launch got delayed. Fast forward to today and the latest rumour is that Tizen Mobile is still being tested across some of the large European countries. According to Information...

  • Developer
    Samsung sells a million Tizen Z1 Smartphones in less than six months, more models coming soon

      Samsung Electronics Co has reportedly sold over 1 million Tizen based Z1 smartphones since initial launch in India, which is under 6 months ago. That is a significant achievement for a new Operating System. "It has been better than expectations for us," said Asim Warsi, vice president for marketing,...

  • Wear
    How Snoops Can Track Your Wearables and Phone From Half A Mile Away

    Bluetooth is everywhere these days—from your Android Wear smartwatch and fitness tracker, to the iPhone in your pocket. Thanks to the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) profile, they can connect to each other easily without draining your battery power. All those wireless connections, however, could make irresistible targets for hackers and snoops,...

  • Mobile
    Europe’s Mobile Carriers Are Plotting An Internet Hold-Up Of Google

    The major European mobile operators are weighing up a blanket ban on mobile advertising, enforced through ad-blocking software installed at the carrier level, according to the Financial Times.Such a move would have a potentially calamitous impact on both apps and websites funded by mobile advertising—the vast majority of them, in...

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