Results for "z3"

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  • Web
    How Codenomicon Found The Heartbleed Bug Now Plaguing The Internet

    See also: What You Need To Know About Heartbleed, A Really Major Bug That Short-Circuits Web SecurityYou know that song lyric about the first cut being the deepest? It’s complete rubbish. Heartbleed taught us all that. Because the more we learn about this online data-security wound, the deeper that threat seems...

  • Hack
    Raspberry Pi’s Eben Upton: How We’re Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.I’ll never forget my first time seeing a Raspberry Pi. The tiny, credit-card sized computer is powerful enough to operate as a home PC, a media center, a gaming console, or anything you can dream up. At...

  • Tablet
    Intel to Launch at least 9 new Bay Trail-T chips for tablets, No Tizen news

      Intel's Bay Trail processors were announced mid last year with the hope of selling for less than $200. Now it looks like the Bay Trail-T Quad core SoC chips that are built on the Silvermount architecture is getting ready to be released. What makes Bay Trail different is that...

  • Work
    Why You Should Buy Only From Tech Leaders, Not Haters

    As annoying as haters are, they're a leading indicator of success, as I've written before. So for the market leader, a gaggle of noisy haters should actually be more comforting than disturbing.But what about for prospective buyers? Is there a reason to tune into a hater's advertising and buy from...

  • Social
    Pinterest Cofounder Evan Sharp: How The Visual Web Helps You See The Future

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.Evan Sharp was still an architecture student at Columbia University when he and two friends got the idea to start Pinterest as a side project back in 2009.Everyone knows how that story ended. Today, Pinterest is...

  • Web
    How The Visual Web Could Achieve Its Potential

    This post is presented by CIBC. From today’s vantage point, it looks like nothing will slow the momentum of the Visual Web.See also: The Triumph Of The Visual WebSelfies, pins, memes, and other picture formats are now dominating our once text-based Web. Sites like Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram don’t just rule...

  • Social
    Facebook Provides 56 New Gender Identity Options

    You no longer have to identify as "male" or "female" on Facebook. Beginning today, you can choose from 50 56 different gender identities including asexual, androgynous, transgender, genderqueer, and more.According to the company's official announcement, Facebook worked with its "Network of Support, a group of leading LGBT advocacy organizations" in order...

  • Social
    Facebook “Paper” App Attempts To Reimagine How You Read The News

    Facebook has a long-stated desire to be the first and only place you go on the Web to get news. Recently though, Facebook had been failing in this mission as its News Feed became cluttered with advertisements and sponsored stories, babies, wedding announcements and "viral" news by the likes of...

  • Hack
    GitHub’s Future: No CS Degree Required

    GitHub has acquired Easel—a clear signal the company plans to expand its focus on education. Easel, a Web-based WYSIWYG editor, is designed to make building websites easier for everyone. With a click-and-drag setup, this program is intuitive enough for beginners to use, yet robust enough for experienced designers to get something...

  • Mobile
    The App-Driven Life: How To Stick To Your 2014 New Year’s Resolutions

    New Year’s resolutions are so ridiculously ineffective, it’s a wonder why we even keep up this futile tradition year after year. According to, in America, virtually the same resolutions are popular every year. And according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, just 8 percent of Americans...

  • Mobile
    Top 11 Mobile Trends Of 2013

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.It was a big year for mobile in 2013, as it has been for the past several years.Smartphones took the first steps toward becoming hubs we can use to control our entire lives. Companies became...

  • Entertainment
    Hacking The Connected Home: When Your House Watches You

    This is a post in the ReadWriteHome series, which explores the implications of living in connected homes.When it comes to the connected home, it’s natural for people to assume they’ll be masters of their domestic domain. Unfortunately, some may wind up becoming victims instead. Just ask Marc Gilbert. He and his wife...

  • Social
    Teens To Facebook: “Okay, Bye!”

    Facebook finally admitted what many people have long predicted, and what CEO Mark Zuckerberg denied this summer: Facebook is losing its cool with teens.During today’s earnings call—initially dominated by news of significant growth in mobile ad revenue—Facebook officials also offered a somber note about the social network’s teen audience. "We did...

  • Work
    Why The $110 Billion Gift Card Industry Must Die

    Guest author Josh Breinlinger is a venture capitalist at Sigma West. I am constantly fascinated by the gift card industry. It’s a case study in behavioral economics. Every year, US residents turn $110B of cash into a far-less liquid asset and pay a few percentage points in extra fees. This is...

  • All Categories
    Intel BayTrail Processor keeps Up with Snapdragon 800 in Benchmark Tests

      Intel’s BayTrail processors are based on their 22nm Silvermont architecture, the latest, greatest and full of promise. Intel has recognised the dramatic shift towards mobile devices, and is apparently ready to take on the challenge. Intel allowed Engadget to benchmark their BayTrial processor on an Android reference tablet. The...

  • Mobile
    Disaster Strikes BlackBerry—Huge Job Cuts, $1 Billion Net Loss

    Disaster has finally struck for smartphone pioneer BlackBerry.Today, trading of BlackBerry's stock was halted with "news pending." That news turned out to be tragic: the company is reporting a net loss of $950 million for its last financial quarter and has confirmed that it is laying off 4,500 people, nearly...

  • Social
    Facebook Dispels Any Remaining Confusion: You Are Its Product

    In a proposed update to its data use policy, Facebook outlined new features that it says will make sharing information easier, but which also clear up any misconceptions you might have had about what you mean to the company. Yes, you are the product. Facebook, Now With More Faces RecognizedYou might...

  • Social
    Facebook Nation: How Do You Rule The Web’s Biggest Country?

    Generally speaking, earnings reports aren't exactly riveting. But Facebook is a company with good characters, high stakes and a lot of plot lines—it's almost Netflix worthy. In Tuesday's quarterly call, the tag-team dynamic between biz-baroness/COO Sheryl Sandberg and Facebook's iconic young CEO Mark Zuckerberg brought to life the company's core tension. The Harvard-pedigreed...

  • Entertainment
    BBC Freezes 3D TV Trial

    British eyeballs can rest easy now. The BBC is putting its two-year 3D television pilot program on hold, citing lack of viewer interest. When the Dr. Who 50th anniversary show airs during the 2013 holiday season, it will mark the last 3D offering by the broadcaster for the foreseeable future. The...

  • Mobile
    Here’s A Heavy Dose Of Reality For New Mobile Payments Startup Clinkle

    Humor me for a moment with this tale of two startups, both focused on mobile payments. See if you can spot the similarities:Startup A: Founded by a young, smart guy who briefly attended a prominent university. The startup eventually moves into the mobile-payments space and raises money in the realm of...

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