Results for "z3"

We found 716 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Google Talk Video on Android Stabilized with SRI Technology: What Comes Next?

    "Mobile video is shaky by definition," says Norman Winarsky, VP at SRI Ventures, part of Silcon Valley-based SRI International, a nonprofit performing sponsored R&D for governments, foundations and businesses. "A shaky image affects bandwidth and reduces the experience," he explains.But with the technology Google has licensed from SRI, image stabilization...

  • Developer
    "Hacking your existence: the importance of open-ended devices in a MeeGo world" – Carsten Munk

        Carsten Munk gave a very interesting Talk at the MeeGo Summit Finland 2011. Below is a youtube video that was shown and explains some of what is to follow in the associated slides: Here is the full video of the talk. Sorry quality is not the best but...

  • Web
    A Big Google Problem: 37 Android Related Patent Disputes [Infographic]

    The number of patent lawsuits related to the Android operating system is unprecedented. Never has an operating system had so many challenges to its intellectual property in such a short time period as the Google operating system has had in the last year.As Florian Mueller points out, the latest Android...

  • Web
    Weekly Poll: Will Developers Trust Heroku as Part of

    The Herokuacquisition is about the next decade for and its transformation into a platform company, said co-founder Parker Harris at a media lunch yesterday. For the rest of the world, there is a different view about the news. There are plenty of congratulations but the acquisition is not overwhelmingly...

  • Developer
    How to Install Asphalt5 WebOS Game on Nokia N900

    A Guide/Tutorial on how to install Asphalt5 WebOS Game on Nokia N900:- Before you start, you need the following apps installed in your N900- PreenV app for N900 Any third party file manager for N900   Steps for installing PreenV app for N900- Turn on the internet connection Open X-terminal and...

  • Gaming
    How to Install Asphalt5 WebOS Game on Nokia N900

    A Guide/Tutorial on how to install Asphalt5 WebOS Game on Nokia N900:- Before you start, you need the following apps installed in your N900- PreenV app for N900 Any third party file manager for N900   Steps for installing PreenV app for N900- Turn on the internet connection Open X-terminal and...

  • Gaming
    How to Install Asphalt5 WebOS Game on Nokia N900

    A Guide/Tutorial on how to install Asphalt5 WebOS Game on Nokia N900:- Before you start, you need the following apps installed in your N900- PreenV app for N900 Any third party file manager for N900   Steps for installing PreenV app for N900- Turn on the internet connection Open X-terminal and...

  • Web
    Blogger Arrest Galvanizes Internet: This Week in Online Tyranny

    Ali Abdulemam arrested - Internet actually cares. The big (and bad) news this week was the arrest of Bahraini blogger and forum moderator Ali Abdulemam. He was arrested as part of a crackdown against democratic speech in the country. Abdulemam was well-liked and proved to be an inspiration for bloggers...

  • Entertainment
    Is Playtime the Road to Bigtime for Augmented Reality?

    Science fiction author and Wired blogger Bruce Sterling passed along the interesting augmented reality video embedded below. It's an iPhone app from the Japanese company Sazanami called Amazing3D that lets users augment still photographs with playful 3D objects which they can then interact with. While it's not the most amazing...

  • Hack
    Hack of the Day: commandlinefu – Linux Command Heaven

    Today is a slight departure from the usual Hack of the Day, as we recommend a site that's bursting with Linux goodness. Bumper Link of the Day, if you will.If you're an avid user of the Linux command line, this one's for you. A growing collection of handy hints, commandlinefu,...

  • Web
    How the iPad is Changing Interaction Design

    Applications that looked amazing on larger multi-touch experiences like Microsoft Surface may have a more affordable consumer-facing counterpart. While the iPad has been widely criticized, many startups are thrilled by its possibilities. In mid-November we featured Paris-based Pearltrees as a new design interface for remapping Web information. We spoke to...

  • Web
    Want to Know Where Your Neighbors Are Spending Their Money? Bundle Will Tell You

    Do you want to know where your neighbors are spending their money? Or do you want to know if your spending pattern is in line with that of others in your age and income group in your neighborhood? Bundle, a new online service, can give you the answer to these...

  • Entertainment
    World Cup 2010 Promotions to Use Augmented Reality

    There's still 142 days, 18 hours and a few minutes until the 2010 World Cup launches in South Africa but the first use of cutting-edge promotional technology is already making an appearance. Sports have been where a lot of technology in the new Augmented Reality category first went mainstream -...

  • Web
    Never Mind the Valley: Here’s Los Angeles

    Best known for its movie stars, sun and surf, Los Angeles probably isn't the first place you'd think to breed technology. But when you consider the influence of investors like Jason Calacanis and Mark Suster, in addition to the fact that companies like Demand Media and Docstoc call Southern California...

  • Web
    Just 18 Hours Left to Buy Real-Time Web Summit Tickets At Current Prices

    We're very excited to see that hundreds of you have already bought tickets to join us on Thursday for the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit in Mountain View, California. The event is fast approaching and we're getting everything in order. ReadWriteWeb staff are boarding planes from all around the world to...

  • Web
    200 People Working on the Real-Time Web: RWW Summit Participants and Their Affiliations

    We're in the final days leading up to the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit. People are coming from around the world to Mountain View, California this Thursday to talk about building and leveraging the diverse set of technologies referred-to as the real-time web.You should join us! If you can't, though, please...

  • Web
    Ex-Google China Chief Now Working With Startups, Launching Venture Firm

    Kai-fu Lee, who announced his departure from Google China last week, has cause the Internet to erupt with speculation on the reasons for his departure and future plans.News on this hot topic has been difficult to report, as many original sources are difficult or impossible for tech bloggers with limited...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Augmented Reality Apps, Top U.S. Websites, Tweeting Teens, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we explain why augmented reality is ramping up (and look at three new iPhone examples), analyze the top websites in the U.S., check out new Twitter statistics suggesting that teens don't tweet,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: 10 Exciting Web Apps, Top Twitter Clients, State of Netbook Market, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we poll our readers on their 3 most exciting web apps or services, analyze the latest Twitter client stats, report on MySpace's acquisition of Facebook app iLike, review the state of the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Facebook Buys FriendFeed, Distributed Social Networking, Google Caffeine, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we report on and analyze the acquisition of lifestreaming company FriendFeed by Facebook. We also explore a new trend that may route around both companies: distributed social networking. In other news this...

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