Results for "z3"

We found 716 results for your search.
  • Hack
    Why Your Company Needs To Write More Open Source Software

    The Wall Street Journal thinks it's news that Zulily is developing "more software in-house." It's not. At all. As Eric Raymond wrote years ago, 95% of the world's software is written for use, not for sale. The reasons are many, but one stands out: as Zulily CIO Luke Friang declares,...

  • Hack
    Android’s Most Popular Apps Are Lousy With Bugs, Researchers Find

    About half of the 50 most popular Android apps have vulnerabilities, and the reckless reuse of code libraries is the blame, according to the researchers who uncovered  the Heartbleed security bug. Codenomicon, the IT research firm first to publish its findings about an OpenSSL vulnerability and dubbed it “Heartbleed,” reports...

  • Hack
    StackOverflow Readers Are Not Your Average Web Developers

    We knew StackOverflow was different. Turns out it's, well, really different.The technical Q&A site looks like your standard Web developer hangout. But according to new data from IEEE Spectrum, its community has some unusual technical tastes. For instance, its readers evince a serious interest in the niche-y area of embedded hardware development—that is, programmable...

  • Cloud
    Amazon’s Cloud Is The Fastest Growing Software Business In History

    No one doubts anymore that Amazon Web Services is a big deal. But few appreciate just how unprecedented its growth has been. In fact, no other software business in history has grown as fast past the billion-dollar mark as AWS, as Businessweek's Ashlee Vance points out. See also: Amazon's Cloud Spends...

  • Mobile
    If The Future’s Battery-Powered, We’re Screwed

    I live in the future. My body, pockets and home are festooned with smart gadgets that can command nearly everything in my life with a phrase, gesture or tap. It’s a cool and exciting experience—or at least it would be, if it didn’t constantly shackle me to power cables.See also:...

  • Mobile
    iOS Developers Make More Money, But Android’s Volume Is Closing The Gap

    Looking at smartphone and tablet sales, Google's Android ecosystem should be printing money for developers. After all, not only are Android device sales outpacing Apple's iPhone and iPad sales, but Google also shares more Android-related revenue with its ecosystem than Apple does with the iOS ecosystem. And yet iOS developers earn...

  • Social
    The Rise And Fall Of Orkut: Google’s Decade-Long Social Media Experiment

    On Monday, Google announced the end of its first foray into social networking, Orkut. September 30, 2014 will be the 10-year-old network’s final day. ReadWrite has been covering underdog Orkut since its invention. We followed its rise to dominance in India and Brazil and its ever-constant (if somewhat understated) battle with...

  • All Categories
    Crowd funding and more at AppsJunction in London UK

    Last week it was the monthly AppJunction event in London. This was my first time attending this event, after wanting to attend numerous times before. is a networking, crowd funding & freelancers platform, which goes through the steps of getting your app from initial concept, to finance, to development...

  • Hack
    The Internet Of Things Will Need Millions Of Developers By 2020

    It's standard to size a market by the number of widgets sold, but in the Internet of Things, which numbers sensors and devices in the billions, widget counts don't really matter. In part this is because the real money in IoT is not in the "things," but rather in the...

  • Web
    YouTube May Be Winning The World And Losing Its Soul

    Just as YouTube isn’t just about Gangnam Style and viral videos of animals eating burritos, the online-video conclave VidCon, which kicks off a little little later today in Anaheim, Calif., isn't just a giant celebration of all things YouTube. In fact, VidCon is really two conventions in one.The first is for YouTube's...

  • Cloud
    We Need An Uber For Healthcare

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.Yes, it’s tiresome how every new startup describes itself as an “X, but for Y." When an early employee of Uber started working on a doctors-on-demand service, everyone inevitably called it an “Uber for healthcare,” ridiculing it as...

  • Mobile
    Apple’s Swift Move: How Its New Coding Language Could Shake Up iOS Development

    Guest author Alex Salkever is head of product marketing and business development at This piece first appeared on his Tumblr.At the 2014 Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple released an entirely new programming language called Swift. It is a higher level coding language that aims to provide the power of Objective-C with the...

  • Mobile
    iOS 8, Mac OS X, Beats: What To Expect At Apple’s WWDC 2014

    Apple is almost ready to announce the structural underpinnings of every product that it will release this year at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco. For developers, everything you need to know to build iOS apps for the iPad and iPhone, the additions and design of Apple's Mac...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Surface Pro 3: A Great Tablet, But A So-So Laptop [Review]

    Is the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 really the tablet that can replace your PC? That's the fundamental proposition on which Microsoft is pinning its entire Surface tablet line. Unfortunately, it's a dicey one.Forget trying to compare the Surface Pro 3 to other tablets. It's not made like other slates, and...

  • Cloud
    Report: Apple Wants To Make The iPhone The Hub For Your Smart Home

    The Internet is invading our homes, and Apple doesn’t want to miss the trend.Sources tell the Financial Times that Apple will unveil new technologies for controlling smart, connected devices like thermostats, lights, door locks, and more at its annual Worldwide Developers Conference, which takes place in San Francisco next week.According to the...

  • Mobile
    Apple May Drop $3.2 Billion For Beats

    The Financial Times reports Apple Inc. is closing in on a deal to buy Beats Electronics—specifically, the company's headphones and streaming music service—in what would be the Cupertino company's largest deal to date.Obviously, a deal like this would have huge implications for Apple—particularly its music-related divisions, including iTunes, the fledgling...

  • Hack
    Apple Is “Nearly Invisible” On GitHub, But Does It Matter?

    Venture capital luminary Fred Wilson believes Apple will lose its place as a top-3 tech company within 10 years because of its focus on hardware and weakness in the cloud. But Apple's ability to connect with developers might actually be a bigger problem.See also: How Mobile Is Killing Innovation, And...

  • Cloud
    Heartbleed Defense: The 3-Step Password Strategy Everyone Should Use

    It’s a dangerous world out there, now made a little scarier thanks to Heartbleed.A small coding error in OpenSSL, a massively adopted open-source protocol, the Heartbleed flaw managed to go undetected for two years as it tore security holes across huge swathes of the Internet. That’s enough to strike fear into...

  • Web
    After Heartbleed, “Forward Secrecy” Is More Important Than Ever

    Internet users have spent the last week changing their passwords and checking their online accounts for potential hacks resulting from Heartbleed, a bug in the open-source security software OpenSSL that left nearly two-thirds of the Web vulnerable to malicious attacks. See Also: Protect Yourself Against Heartbleed, The Web's Security DisasterHeartbleed has...

  • Web
    7 Heartbleed Myths Debunked

    People are on edge thanks to Heartbleed, a coding mistake that inadvertently laid waste to the security of many big online services.See also: Weekend Project: Start Guarding Yourself Against HeartbleedThe revelation this week shocked the world. And new reports coming out about Heartbleed only seem to inspire more worries, not...

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