Home Crowd funding and more at AppsJunction in London UK

Crowd funding and more at AppsJunction in London UK

Last week it was the monthly AppJunction event in London. This was my first time attending this event, after wanting to attend numerous times before. Appsjunction.net is a networking, crowd funding & freelancers platform, which goes through the steps of getting your app from initial concept, to finance, to development and then finally out there, earning its revenue.

Navin-Arora-Phoenixgmn-AppsJunction-Tizen Simon-Dixon-AppsJunction-Tizen

The main speaker at the event was Simon Dixon, the co-founder of BankToTheFuture.com, and is also the author of two books: Student to CEO and Bank to the Future. A presentation was also given by Navin Arora, of Phoenixgmn .
As this event coincided with London Technology week, actual developers on the ground were a bit more scarce than normal, but UI/ UX designers, startup investors and people wanting to know more about crowd sourcing were plentiful. On the whole Tizen wasn’t heard of much on here, but I did evangelise the new Tizen future, and the fact that Tizen based devices like the Samsung Gear 2 smart watch and the NX30 are already out, and the Tizen Smart phone is launching soon in Russia. The crowd did have an interest in Tizen, and the opportunity of competing in a new App Marketplace.
As mentioned by Navin Arora, combining the clock applications in both the iOS and Android ecosystems adds up to more than 8,000. Now, would you want to make a clock application for iOS, Android or Tizen? Yes, the numbers don’t lie.
Below are the slides “How to go about an App Idea Guide” presented by Navin Arora

Below is a Video by Simon Dixon: Crowd funding – economics for the greater good

The next meetup for AppsJunction is on the 29th July and the details can be found here. I might even see you there 😉 Tizen Experts

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