Results for "z3"

We found 716 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    10 Compelling Ways People Plan To Use Google Glass

    Google Glass is coming. Sure, the early adopters will be viewed as weirdos and the idea of a tiny head-mounted camera raises all kinds of creepy privacy questions, but Glass is cool. Google's first iteration may or may not be a slam dunk, but wearable computing is unquestionably the next big...

  • Social
    The 5 Worst Commercials Of Super Bowl 2013 [Video]

    Sure, creating a great commercial for the Super Bowl is tough. But it may be even tougher to come up with truly awful stinkers like these five losers. Super Bowl XLVII had its share of great commercials, but these five hit new lows in wasted money, poor targeting, lack of imagination...

  • Entertainment
    10 Cures For TechnoStress

    This post was originally published on our SAY Media sister site, Remodelista. We're republishing it with permission. Frank Lloyd Wright said it best: “If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger." Technology permeates every corner of our universe: our homes, our cars, our sidewalk...

  • Mobile
    Top 10 Games For iPhone & Android In 2012

    Games are perhaps the most important category of mobile apps. Good games sell smartphones and tablets, keep grownups entertained and small children quiet. Dominating the app-store charts, a good game can make mobile developers millions of dollars, or at least keep them in business to take a stab another stab...

  • Entertainment
    An Easter Egg Guide To Rewind YouTube Style 2012 [Video]

    What happens when you mash up all the important cultural video artifacts of 2012? Rewind YouTube Style 2012, complete with at least 27 Web celebrities and 21 Easter eggs via video annotations, of course.  Similar in theory to Google’s Zeitgeist video, Rewind YouTube Style 2012 covers all the viral video basics, from...

  • Web
    Video: Watch Cosmonauts Toss A 20-Pound Satellite Overboard

    Russian cosmonauts tossed a 20-pound spherical satellite overboard on Monday. Scientists will track the 21-inch target to test techniques for monitoring junk objects in orbit. The treacherous cloud of space junk threatens to take out the satellites that drive GPS, broadcast, remote imaging, and other functions. Canadian satellite watcher Kevin Fetter...

  • Web
    Pranksters Commandeer Mountain Dew Web Promotion

    It's a rough time to be a social marketer, and getting rougher: Mountain Dew announced a naming contest for its new Apple flavor over the weekend. As if on cue, Internet pranksters hijacked the contest. Not content with stuffing the virtual ballot box, they defaced the contest website with videos,...

  • Web
    10 Apps for the Chef and Foodie

    Do you ever wonder why food at restaurants is so much better than what you make at home? Honest chefs will tell you that, outside of skill and knowledge, they just have better tools at their disposal. In lieu of spending a fortune on buying your own mandolin, beurre mixer...

  • Web
    How Tech Giants Are Forging the Future of the Smart Home

    If you think the Internet has changed your day-to-day life, just wait. That massive, glorious network of information that we now connect to from laptops and handheld devices is getting weaved ever more thoroughly into our lives.At this year's Consumer Electronics Show, connected cars and TV sets were all the...

  • Mobile
    New iPhone, iPad and Android Apps for February 2012

    As smartphones and tablets end up in the hands of more people, the volume of apps continues to rise exponentially. We noted that January had the highest download rate of the top 200 iOS apps from the Apple App Store than any month previous. February will likely break that record...

  • Web
    Next, Digital Mall Kiosks Will Look at You, Guess Your Age, Show You Clothes

    One of the most influential retail technologies of the last quarter-century has been digital signage - the use of video to show crisp, bright full-motion advertising, more recently incorporating multitouch interaction. At the National Retail Federation Conference in New York City next week, Microsoft will present a full demonstration of...

  • Web
    PostSecret Shuts Down Paid iPhone App Due To Malicious Content

    Along with Sunday morning's secrets, PostSecret founder Frank Warren announced that the $2 PostSecret iPhone app is now closed. Warren received complaints from users, Apple and the FBI about bad content on the anonymous art app. He says that users, moderators and his own family were threatened, citing two specific...

  • Web
    PostSecret Shuts Down Paid iPhone App Due To Malicious Content

    Along with Sunday morning's secrets, PostSecret founder Frank Warren announced that the $2 PostSecret iPhone app is now closed. Warren received complaints from users, Apple and the FBI about bad content on the anonymous art app. He says that users, moderators and his own family were threatened, citing two specific...

  • Social
    2011: A Year in Facebook Topics and Memes

    Facebook just released its 2011 Memology, which gives a complete rundown of top Facebook's most talked about topics and biggest memes of 2011. In the top global topics on Facebook category, the death of Osama bin Laden wins, closely followed by Packers win the Super Bowl and Casey Anthony found...

  • Web
    5 Cool Things Siri Can Do Now That She’s Been Hacked

    Since launching with the iPhone 4S in October, Apple's new voice-controlled personal assistant feature called Siri has been enamoured of Apple fans, mocked by others and been found to have a few humorous Easter eggs built in. As cool as Siri seemed to many at launch, like so many things,...

  • Entertainment
    Why Spotify Will Be Fine, Despite Losing a Few Artists

    Europe's hottest music-streaming service may have launched to much fanfare in the U.S. over the summer, but not everybody is enamored. Spotify's royalty payments, it turns out, bring significantly lower revenue to artists than digital and physical music sales. For a growing number of smaller artists, this has quite literally...

  • Web
    The Helsinki Spring

    I spent the month of September lecturing, and interacting with (literally) thousands of entrepreneurs in two emerging startup markets, Finland and Russia. This is the first of two posts about Finland and entrepreneurship.I was invited to Finland as part of Stanford's Engineering Technology Venture Program partnership with Aalto University. (Thanks...

  • Smartphone
    Nokia N9s Up For Grabs In Ideas Project’s N9 Challenge

        Welcome to the IdeasProject Nokia N9 Challenge! If you are an active smartphone user, the Nokia N9 Challenge wants you! Give your feedback on the Nokia N9 user interface - in particular ideas to improve the key features described below. We are also interested in hearing your innovative...

  • Web
    MicroStrategy Announces Your Personal BI Cloud

    If you aren't ready to totally give up your Excel spreadsheet to manage your business-critical metrics, then BI vendor MicroStrategy has an interesting solution for you called Cloud Personal. Announced today as a free public beta, you can upload data to their cloud repository analyze it, and share insights with...

  • Web
    PostSecret App Teaches Beautiful Lessons About Privacy on the Web [Updated]

    PostSecret, the beloved weekly blog that allows anyone to anonymously share a postcard containing a personal secret, has launched an iPhone app that expands the project out onto the social and mobile Web. In addition to viewing the regular Sunday Secrets - the physical postcards - featured on, users...

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