With gritted teeth I type this post. According to the latest news, Samsung could be looking at supporting the iPhone (closed ecosystem, beyond simple user interface, iSheep etc) with the Gear S2. An official Samsung spokesman apparently confrimed the Information to Digital Spy, that they were actively looking to follow in Android Wear’s footsteps and open up its latest Tizen-powered wearable to the iPhone’s iOS platform.
“We are looking at possibilities to open it up to iOS,” the spokesperson told us while discussing the Gear S2. They added: “Because we opened it up to Android, we are looking at this.”
Samsung has recently announced that they have opened up the number of compatible Android handsets that will connect to the Gear S2 to also include non-samsung Android Smartphones.
The idea of Tizen smartwatches connecting to an iPhone whilst there is no such thing as a Tizen smartphone connecting to a Tizen smartwatch feels wrong. Wait, Possibly I am getting a bit too dramatic. Possibly I have to wait for the Samsung Z3 to be released and Samsung to release a Tizen Gear Manager. The wait continues.