Samsung Electronics unveiled its current flagship, Galaxy S8, and Galaxy S8+ sometime in March this year and at the time of the release, it promised that its new Voice Assistant (Bixby) will enable users to perform tasks on their phone hands-free. However, users of these smartphones are yet to have this feature on their devices.
Bixby was only properly unveiled in South Korea and it can be used for multiple tasks without a hitch. The major shortcoming here is that it only understands the Korean language. At the launch of the Galaxy S8, and Galaxy S8+, Bixby wasn’t ready for foreign languages, apparently because Samsung was having trouble teaching it multiple languages. It was later revealed that Samsung may be lacking the right resources, like foreign language experts to teach Bixby.
Since its launch, Samsung has been working tirelessly on Bixby and it recently commenced an opt-in beta test for Bixby Voice in the US with disappointing results. Now it appears that Samsung has gotten it right as a release date for Bixby in the US was leaked online today. The anonymous employee posted an image of what appears to be an email meant for staff on Reddit. The email suggests that Bixby will be unveiled next week, Tuesday, July 18.
The screenshot also reveals a link to a webinar which is meant to prepare staff for the launch of the Voice Assistant. The authenticity of this email cannot be verified for now but users won’t mind the rumors because there has been a long wait for Bixby and it will be perfect if it’s released next week as speculated.
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