Home Samsung opens up Bixby for third-party developers, launches Bixby Developer Studio

Samsung opens up Bixby for third-party developers, launches Bixby Developer Studio

It’s official. Samsung has finally opened up Bixby to third-party developers. Earlier this week, we reported that the South Korean giant will launch Bixby Capsules at SDC 2018. Bixby Capsules are essentially the features or services that developers build to integrate with Bixby. Samsung has now opened the Bixby Developer Studio, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), in order for developers to create Bixby Capsules.
“Our goal is to offer developers a robust, scalable and open AI platform that makes it easy for them to launch and evolve the amazing experiences they create for our users,” said Kyunghak Hyun, Product Manager of the AI Product Management Group at Samsung.

Bixby Developer Studio launched

The Bixby Developer Studio is a set of tools Samsung’s internal developers use to create Bixby Capsules. It’s now open to third-party developers as well, enabling them to add their services to Samsung’s AI assistant.
Along with the Bixby Developer Studio, Samsung also announced the launch of Bixby Developer Center at SDC. It is a dedicated website for Bixby developers and will contain technical documents, references, developer team support, and download links to Bixby Developer Studio.

Samsung also announced a Bixby Marketplace which will be a dedicated hub for Bixby Capsules that developers create. All of the third-party experiences created for the assistant will be distributed through the Bixby Marketplace.
Another development that Samsung announced regarding Bixby at the SDC 2018 is the addition of support for five new languages. The five new languages are UK English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. With these additions, Bixby will now support a total of eight languages, including the currently supported US English, Chinese, and Korean.
Opening up Bixby to third-party developers opens up a world of endless possibilities for the assistant. It has a long way to go before reaching the level of Amazon Alexa, but with Samsung planning to make Bixby focal to its vision of connecting all its devices and appliances by 2020, the company surely knows what it takes to reach there.
Samsung could announce more details on Bixby on Day 2 of SDC 2018. The company has also announced a separate developer event for Bixby on November 20. So stay tuned!
Meanwhile, click here to download the Bixby Developer Studio for your Windows and Mac device.

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