Home Samsung Gear devices, inc Gear Fit2 Pro, now compatible with iPhone 8, Plus and X with the latest Gear Manager update

Samsung Gear devices, inc Gear Fit2 Pro, now compatible with iPhone 8, Plus and X with the latest Gear Manager update

Gear S, S2 and S3 iOS 11 iPhone compatibility

The Samsung Gear range of smartwatches have seen enjoyed by Android users since they first came out and also iPhone users since the beginning of this year. Unfortunately there has been some issues for iOS 11 and an update had been submitted to the Apple App Store.
Today, we have seen the update being released for the iOS Samsung Gear S App, which is used to connect to the Gear S, S2 and S3 smartwatches. The latest version 1.6.17100502 now also brings with it compatibility for iOS 11 iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X.
Some users have reported that it is best to remove Bluetooth pairing on your phone, factory reset the Gear wearable device and then to begin paring process using the Gear S App.

Gear Fit2 Pro iOS Compatibility

Recently, we reported that Samsung’s latest fitness tracker, the Gear Fit2 Pro, was not compatible with the Apple iPhone devices and was awaiting an update in order for it to work. The said update had previously been submitted to Apple and was awaiting their approval. This has been quite frustrating for some users who were unable to use their new wearable device.
There is good news today as the update has now been released and you are good to go. The Samsung Gear Fit iOS app has now been updated to version 1.6.17100302 and will let you connect to your iPhone, including the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X, to the Gear Fit2 Pro.
Both of these updated Apps, Samsung Gear S and Samsung Gear Fit, should be available to download but there might be a delay in it being available in your region. Have you installed the update? Is your Apple phone working as you’d like? Let us know in the comments section below.

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