Home [ROM] Tizen Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo gets Rooted (Jailbroken) by Skin1980

[ROM] Tizen Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 Neo gets Rooted (Jailbroken) by Skin1980

Last week the first Tizen custom ROM dropped for the Samsung Galaxy Gear. Today we have got root access for the Samsung Gear 2 / Gear 2 via the same developer Skin1980
The ROM (firmware) is built on the official XXUCNF1 ROM, but also include root capability and a few other features that make the smartwatch better on battery. The release has been named as TizenMod 3, and now you DON’T REQUIRE A COMPATIBLE SAMSUNG SMARTPHONE TO INSTALL AN APPLICATION.

TizenMod 3.0 Features

  • Based on the last NE5 Firmware
  • Rooted;
  • Battery saving script
  • Removed camera sounds
  • Added Android L fonts
  • Added the support for custom icon theme
  • Added the support for custom fonts, ringtones, alarms etc.
  • Added the support for set the max cpu freq and governor ( don’t use for now… i need to change the script that control the clock speed)

…but the most important thing

  • Bypassed Samsung protection! By now, all the people that haven’t a compatible phone or simply a not Samsung phone, can install every app. Just put the apk on your phone and install it manually. In 3rd post i will explain how to MOD the original apks.


    IMPORTANT: Update your gear to the NE5 FW before flash!

    1. Reboot gear in download mode;
    2. Download Odin 3.09
    3. In AP field select the ROM file;
    4. Press start and wait till finish.

    DOWNLOADMIRROR courtesy of @ gav83collins. You can also make a Donation to the developer, as this stuff takes time and dedication to do.


    Here is a post showing you how to MOD your APKS to work with this ROM (firmware).

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