Home Robinhood acquires crypto exchange Bitstamp

Robinhood acquires crypto exchange Bitstamp

Robinhood Markets, Inc. — a popular trading platform — announced on Thursday that it has entered into an agreement to acquire cryptocurrency exchange Bitstamp Ltd.

The acquisition, expected to close in the first half of 2025 subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions, is valued at approximately $200 million in cash. The move is expected to accelerate Robinhood Crypto’s global expansion, as Bitstamp holds over 50 active licenses and registrations worldwide and has a customer base spanning the EU, UK, US, and Asia.

This acquisition will also introduce Robinhood’s first institutional business, as Bitstamp has established relationships with institutional clients and offers services such as white-label solutions, institutional lending, and staking.

Bitstamp’s spot exchange, which supports over 85 tradable assets, along with its staking and lending products, will be integrated into Robinhood’s crypto offering. The Bitstamp team will join Robinhood, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing across continents.

Longest-running crypto exchange

Johann Kerbrat, General Manager of Robinhood Crypto, stated that the acquisition is a major step in growing the company’s crypto business and will better position them to expand outside of the United States and welcome institutional customers. JB Graftieaux, CEO of Bitstamp said:

As the world’s longest running cryptocurrency exchange, Bitstamp is known as one of the most-trusted and transparent crypto platforms worldwide. […] Bringing Bitstamp’s platform and expertise into Robinhood’s ecosystem will give users an enhanced trading experience.

Both companies have promised that they can expect the same level of service, security, and reliability following the acquisition. Barclays Capital Inc. served as the exclusive financial advisor to Robinhood, while Galaxy Digital Partners LLC advised Bitstamp.

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Radek Zielinski
Tech Journalist

Radek Zielinski is an experienced technology and financial journalist with a passion for cybersecurity and futurology.

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