Home Qt SDK Update and the Nokia N9

Qt SDK Update and the Nokia N9

The Nokia N9 is currently making its way to retail and to eager smartphone fans. This unique Qt-based smartphone is a wonderful showcase for Qt and Qt Quick on mobile Linux.
Qt mobile developers benefit from the Nokia N9’s release – it represents an exciting new device to target with Qt and Qt Quick apps.
If apps like Accuweather are any guide, there will be some exceptional Qt and Qt Quick applications produced for Nokia N9. Effort spent creating these apps can of course be carried across to new Symbian Belle phones like the Nokia 700, as well as the large existing installed base of phones such as the Nokia N8.
The Nokia N9 is a focus at Qt Developer Days in Munich and San Francisco, and places are still available in our dedicated mobile training track at the event. To join us, register at http://qt.nokia.com/qtdevdays2011

SDK update
To align with the Nokia N9 release, an online update for Qt SDK 1.1.3 was made available today.
It introduces the following improvements:

  • Updated Harmattan target, Beta2, to correspond to the most recent public firmware release of Nokia N950 Developer Device. This version of the target is still considered experimental, but it can be used for developing apps for Nokia N9.
  • Qt Creator 2.3.1, with support for app booster for N9 software and fixes for Symbian on-device debugging (CODA).
  • Fix to ensure that Qt Quick components work in the Simulator for software targeting the Nokia N9 smartphone and Symbian phones.
  • Symbian Complementary package improvements with an updated qmlviewer.sis for Qt 4.7.4 and NFC support in the  QtMobility 1.2 sis file.

Developers can obtain this update by running the Update tool of the Qt SDK.
Example apps
Getting started developing for Nokia N9 has been made simpler thanks to Nokia Developer. 14 Nokia N9 demo apps, complete with source code, are available for developers wishing to see best practices developing for the device.
Source The Qt Blog

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