While there is no official support for Qt5 on Nokia N9 and N950 devices, community-provided snapshots are available through the QtWebkit project. These snapshots are based on weekly hashes used by QtWebkit build bots.
On scratchbox:
- Add “deb http://snowshoe.cc/apt/ unstable main xcb” to /etc/apt/sources.list
On the device:
- Install the “Qt5 repository package”: http://snowshoe.qtlabs.org.br/apt/snowshoe-repositories.deb. It will add the Qt5 repository to the sources list and add the required GPG key.
- Using a package manager (e. g. MeeCatalog [store.ovi.com]), install the qt5-all meta package. It will install all qt5 available packages. But if you get “Couldn’t find package qt5-all”, you should do “apt-get update” and then try installing it again.
- Along with the Qt5 packages the repository will provide the missing xcb-util using the scratchbox’ packages.
To install manually, without the repository package, run the steps below as root. To become root use “devel-su” in the n9 terminal.
- Add the same repository line for scratchbox to /etc/apt/sources.d/qt5.list
- Add the GPG key running “wget -O – http://snowshoe.cc/apt/conf/Qt5N9.gpg.key | apt-key add – “
- Update the package list with “apt-get update”
- Install with “apt-get install “qt5-*” “
All modules are installed to /opt/qt5. To use qmlscene, qmake and other executables, just point PATH to /opt/qt5/bin.
Currently packaged modules:
- QtBase: qt5-base
- QtJSBackend: qt5-jsbackend
- QtXMLPatterns: qt5-xmlpatterns
- QtDeclarative: qt5-declarative
- QtScript: qt5-script
- Qt3D: qt5-q3d
- QtLocation: qt5-location
- QtSensors: qt5-sensors
- QtWebKit: webkit-snapshot
- QtComponents for QtQuick2: qt-components2
- Snowshoe mobile: snowshoe-mobile
More information:
Most instructions here are based on Snowshoe’s installation guide (link here [snowshoe.qtlabs.org.br]). If you find any misleading step here, please check there and feel free to update with more accurate data here.
Source Qt Developer Network