Home Qt 4.8.2 and Visual Studio Add-In 1.1.11 Released

Qt 4.8.2 and Visual Studio Add-In 1.1.11 Released

Today’s blogger and presenter of Qt 4.8.2 is Tuukka Turunen, Director R&D at Digia, Qt Commercial.
As part of the Qt Project, Digia has taken on the responsibility to package and test Qt’s LGPL releases in addition to the Qt Commercial releases. Today, together with the other contributors to the Qt Project we are happy to support the Qt Project’s release of Qt 4.8.2. And that is not all – we have also updated the Visual Studio Add-In with some highly requested functionality and fixes.
As a patch release, Qt 4.8.2 introduces approximately 150 improvements and error corrections over the previous 4.8.1 release.
Highlights of Qt 4.8.2 include:

  • Over 100 functional improvements
  • WebKit updated to version 2.2.2
  • libpng updated to version 1.5.10
  • Thirty improvements to documentation and tools

A detailed list of the fixes and improvements, as well as a change log showing differences from Qt 4.8.1 can be found here.
The updated WebKit 2.2.2 and libpng 1.5.10 offer a set of functional improvements, as well as fixes to known security issues and vulnerabilities. If you use these libraries, we recommend migrating to 4.8.2.
Highlights of Visual Studio Add-In 1.1.11 include:

  • Documentation support for Visual Studio 2010, and documentation updated
  • Fixed always moc’ing problem. (QTVSADDINBUG-92)
  • Fixed .pro file opening having include to “.” path. (QTVSADDINBUG-117)

As agreed with the Qt Project in December, Digia will maintain the VS Add-In functionality for both Commercial and LGPL users. Today, we are happy to provide you with the first release that we have created. Along the way we plan to add some new functionality for Qt Commercial customers. However, we aim to make bug fixes and such available for all Qt users.
Here is the detailed list of changes to the Visual Studio Add-In 1.1.11
The source code will also be pushed to the repository.
Working Together for Qt
Digia packaged and tested Qt 4.8.2, which feeds from the Qt Project 4.8 branch and the Qt Commercial 4.8.2 release. In addition to the increased flexibility and included technical support a commercial license provides, certain functional fixes may be accepted and applied first to Qt Commercial releases before being integrated to the Qt Project. The Qt Commercial offering also provides support for additional platformsDigia is actively working with the Qt Project in developing Qt 4.8 and 5.0 and contribute our improvements.
The stand-alone installers for Qt 4.8.2 are available for download at http://qt-project.org/downloads
With a lot of Qt Project’s focus already directed towards Qt 5 it is important to note that Qt 4.8 is still being actively improved. It has been less than two months since Qt 4.8.1 was released and there already are about 150 improvements in the 4.8.2 release. This proves that both the Qt Project and Qt 4.8 branch are very much alive. We have planned to create the next patch release of Qt 4.8 libraries in Q3/2012.
We look forward to your feedback and hope you use the Qt Project mailing lists to keep the conversation going. Also, please sign up to the Qt Commercial developer blog RSS feed to keep up to date with the specific Qt Commercial R&D’s projects and releases.
Source The Qt Blog

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