Home PySide 1.0.5 released

PySide 1.0.5 released



The monthly release of PySide is upon us and PySide 1.0.5 has been labelled as “And no name was given that day”

Major changes

. Widgets present on “ui” files are exported in the root widget, check PySide ML thread for more information[1];
. pyside-uic generate menubars without parent on MacOS plataform;
. Signal connection optimizations;

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.
The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you’d expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [2], an open
Bugzilla [3] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [4]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

892 Segfault when destructing QWidget and QApplication has event filter installed
407 Crash while multiple inheriting with QObject and native python class
939 Shiboken::importModule must verify if PyImport_ImportModule succeeds
937 missing pid method in QProcess
927 Segfault on QThread code.
925 Segfault when passing a QScriptValue as QObject or when using .toVariant() on a QScriptValue
905 QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setMargin function call is created by pyside-uic, but this is not available in the pyside bindings
904 Repeatedly opening a QDialog with Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose set crashes PySide
899 Segfault with ‘QVariantList’ Property.
893 Shiboken leak reference in the parent control
878 Shiboken may generate incompatible modules if a new class is added.
938 QTemporaryFile JPEG problem
934 A __getitem__ of QByteArray behaves strange
929 pkg-config files do not know about Python version tags
926 qmlRegisterType does not work with QObject
924 Allow QScriptValue to be accessed via [] 921 Signals not automatically disconnected on object destruction
920 Cannot use same slot for two signals
919 Default arguments on QStyle methods not working
915 QDeclarativeView.scene().addItem(x) make the x object invalid
913 Widgets inside QTabWidget are not exported as members of the containing widget
910 installEventFilter() increments reference count on target object
907 pyside-uic adds MainWindow.setMenuBar(self.menubar) to the generated code under OS X
903 eventFilter in ItemDelegate
897 QObject.property() and QObject.setProperty() methods fails for user-defined properties
896 QObject.staticMetaObject() is missing
916 Missing info about when is possible to use keyword arguments in docs [was: QListWidgetItem’s constructor ignores text parameter] 890 Add signal connection example for valueChanged(int) on QSpinBox to the docs
821 Mapping interface for QPixmapCache
909 Deletion of QMainWindow/QApplication leads to segmentation fault


The files can be downloaded from PySide download page[2] Source PySide

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