Home Plan your time at this year’s Tizen Developer Conference! (TDC) 2017 – Schedule Announced

Plan your time at this year’s Tizen Developer Conference! (TDC) 2017 – Schedule Announced

The Tizen Developer Conference is just under 3 weeks away and the anticipation is building up highly as time passes. The two day event starting on May 16th at San Francisco’s Hilton Union Square Hotel will host a number of seminars/conferences and workshops for developers to learn and get started with Tizen or get better at it.
The two day conference will hold about 40 sessions discussing everything related to Tizen. The Keynote session like we had reported earlier will have some interesting information on what to expect with the next version of Tizen that is Tizen 4.0. Sessions on building IoT devices and services with Tizen, Artik Cloud and Artik Hardware, App development with .NET, UI building with Xamarin.Forms and integrating payment services on Tizen applications are some of the notable one’s which will likely gather most of the crowd.
Go through the complete list of sessions at TDC 2017 from the table below and plan accordingly if you’re going to attend the event. For those who haven’t yet registered, the Registration link is still live!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017
8:30 AM-8:00 PM Registration Open
Grand Ballroom A
10:00 AM-12:00 PM Keynote
12:00 PM-1:00 PM Lunch
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM Exhibition
Yosemite Ballroom
Session Tracks Device Ecosystem Application Ecosystem Platform Core Product Experience
1:00 PM – 1:40 PM Tizen IoT: Overview & Future
Imperial A
Building libraries for all .NET platforms using .NET Standard
Imperial B
Tizen Power Management Service with PASS (Power Aware System Service)
Franciscan ABC
Home! Sweet Home! – Tizen for Home Appliances: Family Hub Refrigerator
Grand Ballroom A
1:55 PM-2:35 PM Tizen Unified & Configurable: Create OS for Any IoT and Smart Devices On-The-Fly with Minimal Resources
Imperial A
Things you need to know to develop Xamarin.Forms application for Tizen with examples
Imperial B
Tizen Display HAL and Tizen Buffer HAL
Franciscan ABC
An Introduction of Samsung Checkout on Smart TV
Grand Ballroom A
2:50 PM-3:30 PM Devops and Tizen Platform Development Tools and Services
Imperial A
Tizen App Development using MS Visual Studio Mobile Center and Team Services
Imperial B
Wireless IoT Connectivity Support for Tizen
Franciscan ABC
Understanding the Tizen TV/Signage Security Platform
Grand Ballroom A
3:30 PM-3:50 PM Refreshment Break
3:50 PM – 4:30 PM Samsung ARTIK hardware with Tizen and Tizen RT
Imperial A
Developing Tizen .NET App with Visual Studio Code
Imperial B
Tizen UI Theming with Component Designer
Franciscan ABC
Introduction of a powerful debugging tool for the TV Platform – History Tracer & Analyzer
Grand Ballroom A
4:45 PM-5:25 PM ARTIK Cloud Development on Tizen
Imperial A
Getting started with Visual Studio Tools for Tizen
Imperial B
Reboot: Tizen Widget Framework
Franciscan ABC
Add location sharing to your Tizen App
Grand Ballroom A
5:40 PM-6:20 PM Dockerized Tizen Platform
Imperial A
Debugger and Profiler for Tizen .NET
Imperial B
Rapid Native App Development using Modern C++ in Tizen
Franciscan ABC
Mobile Performance
Grand Ballroom A
6:30 PM-9:00 PM Tizen Social Event
Grand Ballroom B
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
8:00 AM-4:30 PM Registration Open
Grand Ballroom A
9:00 AM-1:30 PM Exhibition
Yosemite Ballroom
Session Tracks Device Ecosystem Application Ecosystem Platform Core Product Experience
9:00 AM – 9:40 AM Insator – OCF interoperable IoT Cloud Platform
Imperial A
Imperial B
Tizen apps with Context awareness, powered by AI
Franciscan ABC
Native App Development on Samsung Tizen TV using NaCl and You.i Engine
Grand Ballroom A
9:55 AM-10:35 AM IoT Device Security: Implications and Protecting your Network
Imperial A
Porting Unity and HTML5 Games to Tizen Mobile
Imperial B
An Open Source, Tizen-based Educational Platform, using Near Field Communication Technology (NFC)
Franciscan ABC
Big apps, big needs – rich TV VOD-IPTV solutions call for native code
Grand Ballroom A
10:50 AM-11:30 AM IoT Ecosystem and Business opportunities
Imperial A
Ad Monetization in Tizen
Imperial B
Apps localization practices and market feedback on example of Gear S2/S3
Franciscan ABC
Create your own Tizen SDK tools
Grand Ballroom A
11:45 AM-12:25 PM Rapid IoT Prototyping with Tizen on Raspberry Pi
Imperial A
Android-to-Tizen (A2T)
Imperial B
Gear as Multi-IoT Vendor Controller
Franciscan ABC
Introducing NexPlayer SDK for Tizen
Grand Ballroom A
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM-4:30 PM IoT Hands-on Lab
Grand Ballroom A

There is time for you to register for this event. Check out the full list of keynoote speakers here. See you in San Francisco 😉 #TeamTizen

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