Home Pixel Watch 3 XL: Release date and leaks

Pixel Watch 3 XL: Release date and leaks


  • Rumors suggest the Pixel Watch 3 XL will release alongside the Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel 9 smartphones in October 2024.
  • The Pixel Watch 3 XL will feature a larger 1.45-inch display, bigger battery, and more sensors, but minimal design changes.
  • Early pricing estimates for the Pixel Watch 3 XL are $379 for Wi-Fi and $429 for LTE, slightly higher than the Pixel Watch 3.

The wearable market is as competitive as it’s ever and gadget addicts have been left wondering when the leaked renders of Pixel Watch 3 XL will be launched.

Giants like Samsung, Apple and Huawei all have wearable smartwatches that seek to perfectly complement not only their flagship smartphones but also their user’s everyday lifestyle.

Google is also seeking to gain a foothold in the wearable market after successful entries with the Pixel Watch and Pixel Watch 2. However, unlike their competitors, both previous wearable editions have been available in just one size.

That appears to be changing this year as rumors surface of a Google Pixel Watch 3 XL to be released alongside the more standard version and Google Pixel 9 flagship handset range.

Pixel Watch 3 XL: What we know so far

We’ve seen leaked renders of the Pixel Watch 3 XL in June 2024 and, barring some very minor design tweaks to cater for a larger wearable, the results are largely underwhelming for fans who were hoping for something…different.

Given the lack of stark differences between the Pixel Watch 3 and its XL relative beyond size, there is an assumption that there won’t be much more to get excited about beyond what we already know about Google’s next wearable and, currently, we still know very little.


Google’s first edition Pixel Watch gained plaudits for its simple, elegant design when it was released in October 2022. Since then, Google hasn’t swayed from that design at all, with the Pixel Watch 2 being an almost identical version 12 months later.

In today’s wearable market, going three years without any significant design changes is a risky move but, Google appears to have taken that risk and run with it.

For comparison, there are noticeable design changes between Samsung’s first Galaxy Watch which was released in 2018 and the Galaxy Watch 3 in 2020. Apple, too, has tweaked the design of its iconic wearable over the years.

But Google appears to be standing firm on the design for their third edition Pixel Watch, with a domed glass design, digital crown and single button above it.

Google Pixel Watch 3 XL
Image: OnLeaks/Android Headlines


The Pixel Watch 3 XL will reportedly have a 1.45-inch display, compared to the 1.2-inch display on the Pixel Watch 3. Android Headlines also believe it will be thicker, with the full dimensions of the body being 45mm x 45mm x 13.89mm. This is to make room for a bigger battery and more sensors.

To cater for the larger watch body, it will come with a larger band attachment. Bands for the Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel Watch 3 XL won’t be interchangeable.


Given the larger watch body allowing for a larger battery, we should expect to see a vast improvement in battery life in the Pixel Watch 3 XL.

There are currently no confirmed reports of what to expect from the battery performance but, several months ago, South Korean quality assurance website 91mobiles listed documents that were reportedly the Pixel Watch 3’s battery specs, coming in at 307 mAh. That’s larger than the Pixel Watch 2’s 304 mAh battery.

It’s therefore safe to say we should expect something even larger for the Pixel Watch 3 XL.


We don’t yet know about any new features that will be exclusive to the Pixel Watch 3 XL, which is fuelling the belief that this is not intended to be a ‘Pro’ version of Google’s wearable offering.

We do, though, have a few insights into what to expect from the Pixel Watch 3, which means we can safely expect to see the same features in the XL edition.

Rumors suggest Google will be improving its Watch Unlock feature, which enables a Google smartphone to be unlocked automatically when a trusted Google Pixel Watch is nearby. Recently, 9to5Google uncovered hidden code that suggests Android is planning for the feature to function through ultra-wideband (UWB), alongside Bluetooth support.

UWB would lead to a faster and more accurate unlocking experience but, obviously, you would need a smartphone with UWB compatibility for it to work.

Additionally, we’re expecting enhanced fitness and health tracking via Wear OS 5. The additional sensors and larger battery in the Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel Watch 3 XL make this almost a given.

There are also rumors that there will be deeper integration with Google’s ecosystem, including Google One and Fitbit Premium.

When will the Pixel Watch 3 XL be released?

Google is expected to launch the Pixel Watch 3 XL alongside the Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel 9 smartphones in October 2024.

How much will the Pixel Watch 3 XL cost?

Given this is a larger model, we should naturally expect the Pixel Watch 3 XL to be priced higher than the Pixel Watch 3 XL.

Early reports are pointing towards a $379 price point for Wi-Fi and $429 for LTE. That’s not much more than the reported pricing strategy for the Pixel Watch 3, which isn’t expected to change from the Pixel Watch 2 – $349 FOR Wi-Fi and $399 for LTE.

Given there’s only a $30 difference in price between the two sizes, that further fuels the belief that the Google Pixel Watch 3 is not intended to be a Pro version and is, simply, just a larger version for those looking for something bigger, but not necessarily better.

Featured Image: OnLeaks/Android Headlines

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James Jones

James Jones is a highly experienced journalist, podcaster and digital publishing specialist, who has been creating content in a variety of forms for online publications in the sports and tech industry for over 10 years. He has worked at some of the leading online publishers in the country, most recently as the Content Lead for Snack Media's expansive of portfolio of websites, including Football Fancast.com, FootballLeagueWorld.co.uk and GiveMeSport.com. James has also appeared on several national and global media outlets, including BBC News, talkSPORT, LBC Radio, 5 Live Radio, TNT Sports, GB News and BBC’s Match of the Day 2. James…

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