Results for "marketing strategy"

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    Picking a Platform: 5 Issues to Consider

    A month ago, ReadWriteWeb writer Marshall Kirkpatrick utilized his huge network of Twitter followers to facilitate a discussion about APIs and platforms. He shared the highlights of the conversation in a post on this blog. The discussion was one that really captured our imaginations, so today we're exploring the issue...

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    Google Sites the Next Sharepoint? Maybe Not….Why Google Apps Could Lose the Enterprise Market

    Lately, we've been discussing the concept of tech populism and the how enterprises are moving towards a more people-centric focus when it comes to their IT infrastructure. Although we support this movement of bringing social tools into the workspace, one could argue that there's a right way and a wrong...

  • Social
    Is Microsoft Better Off With Facebook?

    In October, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said the company planned to acquire 20 companies per year for 5 years, with acquisition prices ranging in size from $50 million to $1 billion. Ballmer's statement came at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco and presumably the acquisition strategy he was talking...

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    The ReadWriteWeb Toolkit for DEMO08

    Coverage of the venerable startup-launch conference DEMO will begin on blogs and traditional press early tomorrow morning, but here at ReadWriteWeb we're taking a different strategy. This post is the first part of that strategy. Instead of racing other journalists to cover the best of the 77 companies launching, we've...

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    Yahoo! Mobile: Claims Ubiquity, But What About Innovation & Speed to Market?

    The latest podcast at ReadWriteTalk is an interview with Adam Taggart, the Director of Product Marketing in the Yahoo! Mobile Group. In the podcast, Taggart discusses with RWT host Sean Ammirati "an overall uber-message" that Yahoo! is currently pushing for Mobile Web. Taggart emphasized that Yahho's approach to mobile is...

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    Google Goes to School: Hey Kids, Want Some Free AdWords?

    The Google Online Marketing Challenge! promises excitement for boys and girls around the world who participate in a new school program all about online advertising. Google's giving $200 worth of AdWords to schools where students will marketing students learn how to use Google's online advertising products and test out trial...

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    The State of Innovation in India

    10 years ago, in 1997, I wrote an article called Playing Against 5 Aces for a technology magazine in India called Dataquest. The article looked at how the deck was stacked in favor of American technology companies, because they were playing with 5 Aces in the pack:1. A large domestic...

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    Best Web BigCo of 2007: Facebook

    Every year in December Read/WriteWeb does a Best Web Companies round-up. This is the 4th time and, like last year, we're splitting it over two posts. In this post we'll announce the Best Web BigCo of 2007 and later in the week we'll announce Best Web LittleCo and Most Promising...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 22-26 October 2007

    Sponsor:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups - either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web NewsMicrosoft Invests in Facebook The week was dominated by the...

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    Should Google Be Afraid Of Facebook?

    In the latest issue of Fortune magazine, Josh Quittner wrote a page length article entitled Look Who's Worried Now (online here), in which he argues that Google is increasingly worried about Facebook. He says that Facebook is taking Google's talent, taking its traffic, and is using its platform to power...

  • Web
    Al Gore’s Current: Re-defining TV, Using the Web

    Last week while in San Francisco I got the chance to visit Current's offices, to check out the launch of their new website. I spoke to Robin Sloan (Online Product Strategist) and Joshua Katz (President of Marketing), who gave me a demo and overview of their strategy. I came...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 15-19 October 2007

    Sponsor:Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email.Web NewsMySpace Evolves - Developer Platform Details, Partnerships, Growth Figures This week News Corp chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch, and MySpace...

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    Notes From the Field: Future of Web Apps Conference

    [Richard] The Future of Web Apps conference was held again this week in London. John O'Shea and Fergus Burns of nooked were there (a company I am an advisor to) and John offered up some comprehensive notes for Read/WriteWeb. I read through them and decided to post 'as is', because...

  • Web
    How To Create a Web App

    This is the second post in our series on how to run a startup and develop a product. In part one, How To Bootstrap Your Startup, we outlined the process of bootstrapping your company into existence. In this post, we show you how to go from idea to specified product....

  • Web
    How To Bootstrap Your Startup

    The first in a series of posts about how to run a startup and develop a product, written by guest author Matt Rogers of Aroxo - a person-to-person trading exchange for consumer electronics, computer gear, whitegoods, and more.The aim of many entrepreneurs is to take a business idea and convert...

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    B2B Opportunities for Web 2.0 Startups

    The first era of the Web moved from B2C to B2B. However the bubble burst just as the B2B phase was getting into full gear. As we enter the "digestion phase" of Web 2.0, many startups may want to re-focus their efforts on B2B markets. If Chasm models are still...

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    Yahoo! Customers Most Satisfied, Ask Biggest Gainer

    If you looked at some of the digg comments left during our Yahoo! week, you would believe that Yahoo! has a real problem brewing with customer service."Yahoo is an extremely arrogant company that does not place the slightest bit of value on its customers." -- peganjr"yahoo lacks customer support" --...

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    Yahoo! Buzzlist versus Google Trends

    As part of this week's Read/Write Web Files, we're looking at what may be on the cards in Yahoo's 100-day strategy for getting its house in order. In the inaugural post of the week, Richard outlined his Top 10 Yahoo! Properties. And I'd like to make the case for another...

  • Web
    Openads 2.3 Beta Launched, But Google Threat Lurks

    I've mentioned Openads, a free open source ad server, twice in the last few months here on Read/WriteWeb. I continue to be very interested in their business model; but also I hope they disrupt not just the ad fulfillment and tracking business, but also expand to focus on creating an...

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    Amazon: Widgetizing Recommendations

    We have written here extensively about emerging Amazon Web Services, as well as the latest consumer facing innovations at the world's largest online retailer. Amazon has consistently delivered exciting technologies, particularly in the last few years. The Web Services play, for example, first caused some puzzlement on Wall Street -...

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