Results for "marketing strategy"

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    The Future of Search? How About Advertising

    Allen Stern over at CenterNetworks has an interesting post today about, in which he lays out his strategy for getting the search engine back on track. That caught my eye because last night when looking over the latest search data from Nielsen//NetRatings, Richard and I started talking about

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    Weekly Wrapup, 14-18 May 2007

    The R/WW Weekly Wrapup is sponsored by:Another busy week of Web Tech. And you may've noticed a new daily voice on Read/WriteWeb - Josh Catone is now a lead writer here, so welcome aboard Josh! OK, here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on Read/WriteWeb. Note that...

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    Widgetsphere: New Playground For Marketers

    by Graeme ThickinsIf you're in the online marketing game and are not yet hip to widgets, listen up. Two emerging Web 2.0 technology firms focused in this space have a message for you. Those companies are Widgetbox and ClearSpring, both of which presented in a session on Tuesday afternoon at...

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    Web 2.0’s Future All Depends On IT’s Future

    Reports from Forrester and The Leading Edge Forum serve as bookends portending either to a bubble bursting, or the next golden era. Who's right? We will find out, but technology will have little to do with deciding the winner.Two reports have been released by major big business think tanks in...

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    eProject – Eyeing With Dynamic App Development

    Recently I interviewedeProject, an on-demand Project Management company. More than 100,000 users at 650 companies currently use eProject’s solutions. They run the gamut from Fortune 500 companies to medium-sized fast growing organizations.The product is used across industries, but has some sweet spots of adoption in highly regulated industries such as...

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    Google – The Ultimate Money Making Machine

    We learned the fundamental law of Supply and Demand in Economics 101. The textbooks explain that shifts in demand cause corresponding changes in supply. No matter what the changes are, the point where the curves intersect sets the price of the good or a service. This law provides a powerful...

  • Web Shopping Search Engine Scores A+ In Vertical Search

    Recently I spoke with Siva Kumar, founder and CEO of - a next generation online shopping engine focused on the Lifestyle segment. According to Siva, is a discovery shopping search engine optimized for lifestyle products such as clothing & accessories, home & garden, sports & outdoor, kids &...

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    DoubleClick Advertising Exchange – Could Lead To Google / Yahoo / Microsoft Showdown

    The New York Times reported this morning that DoubleClick plans to launch an exchange for online advertisements. The system is described as follows:"DoubleClick, based in New York, views the exchange as the centerpiece of a growth plan and may derive the majority of revenue from the new service within five...

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    Top Irish Web Apps

    Continuing Read/WriteWeb's series on international web apps, I bring you a sample of all that the emerald isle has to offer. 20 years ago Ireland was a sleepy backwater with high unemployment and mass emigration. Jobs were rare and the only new startups were farms. But all of that changed...

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    Rearden Commerce Shows The Way For Contextual Services

    I have written a few framework articles recently, defining Web 3.0 and Enterprise 3.0. I also wrote a piece towards the end of 2005, called What is this Sea Change? In this article, I am going to start coverage on a very interesting company called Rearden Commerce, which touches upon...

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    Online Video Industry Index

    Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManusThere are now so many companies vying to be the next YouTube, it's easy to lose track of them all. So let's take a look at the entire online video industry and categorize the major players. Our thanks to Ali Dagli of...

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    6 Startup Lessons For The Year 2007

    By guest author Jawad Shuaib, the founder of The social network for geeks.Startups have been multiplying like rabbits over the past three years. Due to the added competition, many startups are beginning to narrow their focus to a much smaller demographic. The year 2007 will mark the transition from...

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    Why Browser War 2.0 Will Heat Up in 2007

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus. We wrote recently about the renewed web browser war between Microsoft and Mozilla (and some other, smaller, usually very innovative players). Our theory is that in 2006 a lot of the ground work for a major battle was laid out. Microsoft...

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    2006 Web Technology Trends

    It's December already and so it's about that time to reflect on what has happened in Web Technology during 2006 - and ponder what 2007 may bring. Over the next few weeks Read/WriteWeb is going to publish some in-depth posts analyzing the trends and new products we've seen in 2006,...

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    Amazon Web Services Success Stories

    Written by Alex Iskold and edited by Richard MacManus.We have written before about the innovative Amazon Web Services Platform. This stack was officially announced by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos during the recent Web 2.0 summit and is now considered part of the core business strategy for Amazon. While analysts, competitors...

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    Laszlo To Release a WebOS

    While in San Francisco earlier this month, I met up with Laszlo’s Founder and CTO, David Temkin, along with CMO Kent Libbey. Laszlo has an open source Ajax application development platform called OpenLaszlo - which has been used for external apps like Pandora (online radio and music sharing) and

  • Entertainment Launches New Features – Including Flash Player, Events and Free MP3s, one of my favorite online music recommendation and listening services, today announced a website relaunch. The London-based company has added four new features: Events system (e.g. concerts), Free MP3s, Flash player radio, and a Taste-o-meter. hopes these new features, plus the re-design, will make it easier to find...

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    IBM Launches alphaWorks Services – Needs To Bring Sexy Back

    IBM has been pretty slow to cotton onto the social Web, but this year they've started to embrace web 2.0 and ramp up its marketing (some would say hype) around it. While IBM has undeniably always been at the center of technology and innovation, it's taken them a couple of...

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    Google Office: a Micro Media bulletin

    Back in June I spoke about the corporate blogging project that I co-run with The Rights Marketing Company. Called Micro Media Corp, it's a corporate blogging and podcasting program that aims to give business people insights into the Web 2.0 and New Media worlds. Our first major customer is British...

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    Apple’s iPod Success Won’t Be Repeated With iTV

    At yesterday's Apple Showtime event, Steve Jobs announced upgrades to iPod/iTunes, the addition of movies to iTunes, and an upcoming product called iTV. Movies on iTunes had been predicted and much discussed before the event, so the real interest was in the iTV announcement - which is essentially Apple's version...

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