Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • customers and branding
    How to Use 6 Moments of Truth to Create a Strong Bond Between Customers and Your Brand

    In the 1980s, Jan Carlzon, President of Scandinavian Airlines, introduced the concept of the “moments of truth” to his organization. In Carlzon’s words, “The Moments of Truth are the various points at which people connect with the brand.” Here is how to use six moments of truth to create a...

  • marketing strategies
    7 Growth Strategies that Will Increase Your Small Business Income

    Are you looking for the best SaaS growth strategies that will help you increase product sales? Wondering what marketing strategies you can apply to improve your SaaS business growth? This blog article will show you seven proven growth strategy processes that will transform your sales. Getting people to try out new...

  • 5 Proven Ways to Skyrocket Your Sales in 2020 and Beyond
    5 Proven Ways to Skyrocket Your Sales in 2020 and Beyond

    There are plenty of ways to increase sales, however, if you’re looking for advice online you probably won’t find many new ideas. Most online sites provide basic advice like make more sales calls, train your team, and learn stronger people skills. Chances are, you’ve already implemented every basic sales strategy...

  • Customer Service
    Not a Luxury Anymore — Why Tech Is Necessary to Control Costs

    No matter what industry you’re in, staying profitable is always a priority. Reducing overhead costs is vital to this goal, and most advice for doing so these days involves technology. But investing in new tech can seem like a luxury that companies only engage in when they have capital to...

  • Entertainment
    Amazon Rolls Out Destinations To Help You Plan Weekend Trips

    Amazon knows what you buy, what you watch and even which of your home appliances need repair. Now it wants to know how you spend your weekends away. The company just added Amazon Destinations, a new service designed to help Amazon customers find nearby places for quick jaunts close to home. Though...

  • Mobile
    6 Great Mobile Apps From Non-Tech Companies

    As the world goes mobile, businesses around the world are rushing to build app they hope will take center stage on your smartphone home screen. Most are not worth the bother. This seems especially true for apps from non-tech companies, too many of which seem to be poorly designed attempts...

  • Web
    How Retailers Fight Back Against Shoppers Who Use Them As Showrooms

    Showrooming, the practice of looking at items in a physical store and then buying them online, is yet-another pain-in-the-butt problem facing brick-and mortar retailers. Despite all the hand-wringing, however, there are ways to mitigate the problem.First, there's evidence to suggest that the showrooming is not quite as bad a problem...

  • Social
    My iPhone Supports Gay Marriage. Does Yours?

    If I can recommend a great local restaurant, leave a review for future patrons, alert my followers on Twitter, update my Facebook friends on my great new find - all in a few seconds - using only Yelp and my iPhone, why can't I similarly promote those businesses whose values...

  • Web
    Shopping Apps To Navigate Black Friday Crazy

    Black Friday crazy is upon us, that one day of the year where Americans take leave of their senses and go out and buy all their holiday gifts 32 days early, and yet still manage to panic-shop on Christmas Eve. If you insist on participating in this shoppingpalooza, these iPhone...

  • Startups
    How to Get Bloggers to Write About Your Startup: Insider Advice

    It’s every startup’s dream - to get the attention of the people who matter. You might think that refers to customers or clients, or even venture capitalists or angel investors.Nope. We’re talking about bloggers.Sure, investors and customers are vital to the success of a startup business, but few things can...

  • Web
    The Best Mother’s Day Gift Is A Six-Figure Blogging Income

    I’m not married and I have no kids, so I hadn’t paid much attention to “Mommy bloggers” until i spoke at BlogWorld East in New York City last year. When the Mommy blog movement started to take off in 2009, I had been dismissive of them, thinking it was more of...

  • Web
    DEMO Report: Startup Creativity Through Variety

    Entrepreneurs demonstrating their latest ideas at the EMO Spring 2012 conference showed that inspiration travels in many directions. The young companies that took the stage Wednesday to kick off the three-day startup fest in Santa Clara, California, demonstrated a surprisingly wide variety of software and Web services. Unfortunately, one thing...

  • Web
    Google’s Universal Search for Speed

    For the third and final installment of my interview series with the people who make Google Search, I spoke with Johanna Wright, who leads the search project management team. She has worked on search at Google for over six years, leading the Universal Search and Google Instant projects.In the first...

  • Mobile
    [Research] Half of U.S. Cellphone Owners Research In-Store Goods With Their Devices

    The rise of mobile commerce is going to give traditional retail stores a headache. Results from a survey done by the Pew Internet and American Life Project shows that 25% of cellphone owners used their phone to look up the price of a product before buying it at a store....

  • Hack
    Google Obtains IBM Technology for Assessing Social Users’ Interests

    Among a handful of patents transferred last December 31 from IBM's portfolio to that of Google, as first discovered by Bill Slawski of SEO By the Sea, is a system for processing text compiled by users of social networks, and ascertaining their common interests. We've already seen the rise of...

  • Smartphone
    Application – DentistryReview for Nokia N9

        Dental Product Reviews, Dental News from all around the world 24/7 & 365 days   Source Ovi Store

  • Web
    Armed With Social Signals, Google Moves Back Towards Real-Time Search

    Google announced a big change to its search ranking algorithm today that affected around 35% of searches. It now makes an effort to determine when a query should return more up-to-date, "fresher" search results, before more established but older links. For example, if you search for "olympics," you're likely to...

  • Computers
    Review of Asus Eee PC X-101 (Chinese) – MeeGo

    If you like MeeGo and you speak Chinese then have we got a treat for you. Amanda Lam has reviewed the Asus Eee PC X-101 in Chinese. Below is the Intro and some Pics, but click on the link at the bottom for all the info: Asus Eee PC X101,...

  • Work
    Free API For Sentiment Analysis From ViralHeat

    If you use tools such as Radian6 to analyze how the social Web is talking about your company, brands or products, perhaps it might be time to take a look at what you can get for free from the competition ViralHeat. Starting today, they will offer a free developer account...

  • Entertainment
    With So Many Web Tools, How Can Businesses Choose? Try Comparz

    For small and medium-sized businesses, there's no shortage of Web-based software out there designed to help them collaborate, market themselves and get things done. In fact, the selection can be a little overwhelming. This comparison chart on Wikipedia, for example, breaks down 132 project management software options for businesses. And...

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