Results for "Product Reviews"

We found 1247 results for your search.
  • product-led flywheel growth
    The Product-Led Growth Flywheel: Everything You Need to Know

    What's the one thing every organization is trying to achieve? The answer: growth. It doesn't matter if you own a plucky SaaS startup or manage a fortune 500 company; you're always trying to grow brand awareness, customer satisfaction, sales -- and your bottom line metric. That's why the product-led growth...

  • Grow
    How to Get Testimonials and Reviews With a Small Customer Base

    With even a handful of eloquent, praising testimonials, your business will have a much better chance of capturing new customers – and building initial trust. And if you’re an established brand with a few thousand (or more) loyal customers, it shouldn’t be hard to collect the testimonials you need to...

  • strategizing 2021 analysis
    Strategizing for 2021 With Sentiment Analysis Using Product Review Data

    2020 started with a lot of concern; individuals, businesses, and governments were all thrown into a state of confusion. COVID-19 ravaged the world and there was no known remedy. 2021, however, promises to be a year full of hope. Pfizer and its partner BioNTech have filed for emergency authorization in...

  • consumer tech products
    6 Consumer Tech Products Taking the Market By Storm in 2021

    2020 may have paused normal activities for most people, but the tech world advances at an unprecedented pace. As engineers, coders, and inventors continue to push the envelope, it can be tough for consumers to keep up with each and every new development. We have Black Friday this week and...

  • product release marketing
    How to Create a Successful Product Release Marketing Plan

    There’s always a new software or product launching in today's ever-changing, fast-paced digital world and hoping to make traction. First impressions are extremely powerful, so it’s important to make a memorable impact. A successful product release marketing plan will capture your users’ attention and make a lasting impression. Potential users...

  • solutions customers buy
    5 Product Discovery Tips for Building Solutions Customers Will Buy

    Products aren’t made… They’re discovered. It doesn’t matter if you think you have a “brilliant” idea - what matters is if the customer thinks so, too, and is willing to pay for it. You see, customers don’t buy anything they don’t want. So the question is, how do you figure out what...

  • boost employee productivity
    5 Actionable Strategies for Boosting Employee Productivity

    It’s no secret that productive employees are a tremendous asset to the companies they work for. A study proving the worth of employees (as a company asset) was officially confirmed by Gallup’s 2017 State of the Global Workplace Report, which stated: Companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by...

  • Product that delights customers
    How to Create a Product that Truly Delights Customers

    Earlier this year, Twitter quietly removed its vowels and released Twttr, a platform that essentially acted as a prototype for design changes and feature tweaks the company was considering for its regular site. By creating a separate application under the platform’s original name, the company signaled an attempt to get back to its...

  • Culture
    Open Plan Offices Kill Productivity. Here’s What to Do Instead.

    For years, the business world lived under the false pretense that open plan offices were a killer idea. I myself even bought into the hype. At Netconcepts, the digital agency I founded (and sold in 2010), only the executives had offices with doors that closed. Open plan offices were a...

  • Salespeople have to make sure they're building their careers on high-quality products.
    In Sales? How You Can Distinguish Bad Products from Good

    A career in sales is supposed to be lucrative and fulfilling, not frustrating. Good salespeople consistently close deals and increase their earnings, developing wide networks of happy customers along the way. Why, then, do so many salespeople struggle to live out the professional success of their dreams? Drive, training, persistence,...

  • Tech company reviews matter
    Customer Service
    The Best Indicator of a Tech Company’s Prowess? It Might Just Be Customer Reviews

    Tech is a difficult — and fickle — beast to manage these days. Many companies are focused on building something flashy or rendering their competitors obsolete. That’s great in terms of elevating competition and pushing the industry as a whole toward innovation. As long as brands are in the business...

  • Featured
    Google Pixel Slate – Hands on / Unboxing – A capable Chrome OS tablet to keep you productive on the move

    A new day and we've got a shiny new Google Pixel Slate in the office and we are ready to take it for a run. The device was announced a couple months ago. The Pixel Slate is Google's answer to taking on the iPad Pro and Surface. The new 2-in-1...

  • Technology
    Samsung’s SUHD Tizen TV receives positive reviews in Europe and US

    Samsung's 2016 line of SUHD TVs have received quite a lot of positive words around the tech media ever since it was announced at CES 2016, Las Vegas. The company had launched not one or two but a total of 49 TVs at the same time. At the time of...

  • News
    [Video] Samsung’s Gear S2 product strategy manager talks about the sleek wearable tech

      Wow, the Samsung Gear S2 has received some fantastic reviews by some of the best known websites / tech fanatics out there!!! They love the look of the added functionality of the rotating bezel and a user Interface that is different to the Apple iWatch or Android Wear. The...

  • Wear
    Apple Watch Reviews—The TL;DR Edition

    You won't be able to get an Apple Watch yourself for another couple of weeks, but the early reviews—from publications ranging from the New York Times to CNET and the Verge—are in.The bottom line? Apple's much-hyped wearable is stylish and has lots of promise, but also falls short on several...

  • Hack
    10 Mac Productivity Tools That You Can’t Live Without

    If you feel like your daily computer grind could use a little oomph, we've got some. A handful of these add-ons can make tasks that were previously awkward at best a breeze. Most of these tools for OS X are free and the rest are cheap—and all of them are essentials in...

  • Mobile
    Scratching the Surface: How To Guarantee A Product Flops

    Microsoft badly wanted its Surface RT to succeed, and yet it managed to do everything possible to ensure the tablet's demise.As a product of technological innovation, the Surface RT is underpowered and ill-equipped. And as a retail product, it was too expensive and poorly marketed. No wonder the company wound...

  • Mobile
    A New Golden Age Of Productivity Software Is Dawning

    As Microsoft struggles to bring its lucrative Office franchise to Android, iPhone and iPad, investors and developers are seizing the opportunity to create business and productivity software optimized for the new era of mobile computing. These new tools won't tend to look anything like Word, Excel or PowerPoint - nor Apple's...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet Gets Good Reviews – Except For Battery Life

    The reviews for Microsoft's Surface Pro tablet are in, and people seem to like the full Windows 8 version of Microsoft's tablet a lot more than they liked the Surface RT. Last year, the Web gave middling scores to the Surface RT, based on what reviewers considered flaws in the basic...

  • Mobile
    Lack Of Online Reviews Hurts Apple’s Online Store [Infographic]

    Apple's online retail store fell short of customer expectations over the holiday shopping season. Satisfaction with the company's website fell to a four-year low, according to ForeSee's annual Holiday E-Retail Satisfaction Index. One big problem, no customer reviews to help shoppers decide which product is right for them. Apple's Wake Up CallApple's...

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