Results for "Product Reviews"

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  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Microsoft’s $100K India Startup Challenge Grant

    At this week's One Million by One Million roundtable, we announced our collaboration with Microsoft around a $100,000 grant that they are offering to four Indian entrepreneurs as follows: A $40,000 grant each to two entrepreneurs, one in Mobility and one in Cloud Computing; and a $10,000 grant to two...

  • Hack
    The Secret Life of Robots

    Despite companies like Google making tens of billions of dollars from Web crawling, the rules governing so-called robots indexing the Web are surprisingly vague. As somebody who ran afoul of Facebook with my own crawler, I've taken a keen interest in other sites' attitudes to external access. There's some interesting...

  • Hack
    The Secret Life of Robots

    Despite companies like Google making tens of billions of dollars from Web crawling, the rules governing so-called robots indexing the Web are surprisingly vague. As somebody who ran afoul of Facebook with my own crawler, I've taken a keen interest in other sites' attitudes to external access. There's some interesting...

  • Mobile
    New Apps for Your iPhone & Android, Winter 2010 Edition

    ReadWriteWeb doesn't do a lot of mobile application reviews, but every now and then (ideally, every month, but realistically, every 2-3 months) we like to round-up some of our favorite newcomers to the smartphone application scene.We last rounded up our picks for top new apps in October, when there were...

  • Web
    What Do Online Documentation and Museums Have in Common?

    There was an interesting article recently in The Wall Street Journal by Isacc Arnsdorf that discussed how art gallery and museum patrons are studied as they move through art exhibits. The objective is simple: measure how people navigate through and engage with the art. When I read the article, I...

  • Mobile
    Best Buy-Funded Tecca Launches New Comparison Shopping App for Electronics

    Tecca, a new mobile comparison shopping application, is the first company to launch from the digital media fund set up by electronics retailer Best Buy with Fuse Capital. The app focuses only on electronics, which makes sense, given its backing. Available now on both iPhone and Android with both a...

  • Web
    How to Leverage Partnerships to Launch Your Startup Quickly and Efficiently

    Startup conferences - like last week's DEMO Conference in Santa Clara, California - are great opportunities for young companies to not only gain some exposure, but to network with other like-minded entrepreneurs. One company I spoke to at DEMO, Zappli, makes a social shopping app that leverages many existing services...

  • Social
    Forrester: If You Think Social Media Marketing is Worthless, You’re Doing it Wrong

    Has your company spent seemingly countless hours tweeting on Twitter, networking on Facebook and writing the company blog? Have you found yourself wondering if it's all a waste of time? Maybe that last Facebook fan page contest saw fewer entries than you'd hoped for, or that last Twitter-only coupon had...

  • Web
    BearHug Goes Head-to-Head with GetSatisfaction (Invites)

    BearHug, a new customer engagement platform, is launching its closed beta tonight. The company wants to make it easier for companies to engage with their customers, while still keeping full control over their data and their users' experience on their site. By offering companies a hosted solution for engaging with...

  • Web
    Cloud Sherpas: Smoothing the Path for Google Apps in the Enterprise

    Cloud Sherpas offers additional IT administrative tools that help make it easy to manage the increasingly popular Google Apps platform. The company is riding the momentum of growth today announced over 300,000 end users under management by IT professionals who have depoloyed Cloud Sherpas as part of Google Apps.To learn...

  • Web
    The Emerging Era of Alert Services – For Almost Anything

    As ever more data flows onto the Web, we need tools to track changes in that data and alert us to new data that we're interested in. Examples of data that can be tracked include shopping deals, places, companies, home prices, sports scores, local events, even crime reports! Add to...

  • Social
    Social Media Marketing: You Fear, You Fail

    A few weeks ago a company I work with lost an amazing opportunity. We gave them the idea to create one of the best brand blogs I've ever seen.They said no. Instead, they decided to create a social media strategy that was boring and dictated by legalities. Just imagine a...

  • Web
    1 Month Into New FTC Rules: Who’s Disclosing Their Free Google Phones?

    New rules from the Federal Trade Commission, requiring bloggers to disclose free gifts from companies whose products they review, came into effect on December 1st and the first major announcement of 2010 just occurred today. The Google Nexus One mobile phone was unveiled this afternoon and all the members of...

  • Social
    Social Shopping: Putting the Emotion Back in E-Commerce

    What are you going to buy this holiday season? Gift cards aren't very personal, but friends' recommendations can be.Richard MacManus recently covered the trends in e-commerce over the past decade. He noted that Amazon and eBay have dominated the online retail market with their model of using implicit user data...

  • Web
    Google Search Gets Personal: Social Search Launches in Google Labs

    Social Search just went live in Google Labs. Google announced that it was working on this Social Search feature at the Web 2.0 Summit last week, but at that time, Google's Marissa Mayer announced that it would only be available "in a few weeks." Social Search taps into a user's...

  • Web
    Look At Me: Effectively Pitching The Blogosphere

    When you're bootstrapping your startup from your basement suite, media relations is often the default responsibility of the non-tech cofounder. For those who haven't already navigated the emotional peaks and valleys of a PR job, the effort can be daunting. Nevertheless, when you finally get through to someone, you forge...

  • Web
    Identify Any Website’s Sentiment with ContextSense

    ContextSense is a newly launched sentiment extraction technology from Wingify, a company focused on website optimization solutions. As a part of their core product which helps website owners identify visitor demographics and behavior, target ads, and optimize landing pages, ContextSense demonstrates how Wingify's contextual targeting technology works. To use the...

  • Web
    5 Ways Sentiment Analysis is Ramping Up in 2009

    The New York Times has an article today about sentiment analysis, a trend which has been accelerating on the back of the Real-time Web - and Twitter in particular. Sentiment analysis is no short-term hot trend. It will eventually become a key feature of search engines, which will integrate the...

  • Web
    How Does the Web Feel? Evri’s New Sentiment API Tells You

    Semantic search engine Evri can now understand how the web feels with the launch of their new sentiment web API. While busy scouring the net for people, places, and things and determining the relationships between them, the search engine is now able to understand the feelings associated with these entities,...

  • Web
    Nowhere to Run to, Baby: Moms’ Social/Mobile Web Use Up by 400%

    The days of moms covertly stalking their children on MySpace or freaking out over Facebook party pics are not-so-slowly shifting to headier days of proactive moms using the Internet to meet their own needs.A new study from BabyCenter shows that mothers' social media use has increased 462 percent over the...

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