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    The Decline and Fall of Tech on Digg

    If you're a fan of digg, you've probably been noticing that tech stories are becoming less and less a feature of the social news site. The reason? Digg is attempting to attract a large mainstream user base. Just how low has tech sunk in digg? We have new data that...

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    Real People Don’t Have Time for Social Media

    Let's be honest here: we're all a bunch of social media addicts. We're junkies. Whether it's a new Twitter app, a new Facebook feature, or a new social anything service, we're all over it. But we may not be the norm. The truth is, being involved in social media takes...

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    10,000 Cents Buys You $100: Awesome Crowdsourced Art Project

    "Ten Thousand Cents" is a crowdsourced art project that led 10,000 artists, each paid one penny for their contribution, to recreate a US $100 bill one tiny section at a time. The brainchild of San Francisco artists Aaron Koblin and Takashi Kawashima, "Ten Thousand Cents" utilized Amazon's Mechanical Turk service...

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    SixApart’s BlogIt Could Be the Start of Something Big

    SixApart launched BlogIt by TypePad last night, a Facebook app that lets you post to SixApart blogs and other blogging software like WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr, to your Facebook Newsfeed and to Twitter all from one place. It's the kind of app that makes Facebook all the closer to being...

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    Free Analytics Suite Coming From Yahoo!

    Last week, Yahoo! purchased enterprise-level web analytics service provider IndexTools. Yesterday, Dennis Mortensen, COO of Index Tools, announced on his blog that Yahoo! would be setting the service free. The decision to offer a free analytics suite follows similar moves by Google and Microsoft. Google released Analytics (which we use...

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    Still No Invite to FFFFOUND? Try We Heart It Instead

    If you don't want to go through the whole process of creating a tumblr blog just to save and share interesting photos and videos you find on the web, then you may be interested in the new social bookmarking tool from We Heart It instead. We Heart It is very...

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    Brijit Adds Reviews for Digg, Techmeme and YouTube

    Brijit, the magazine and newspaper review site we reviewed very positively when it launched in October, is today expanding its innovative platform to include very short user reviews of top articles in Digg, Techmeme and videos on YouTube. The company pays users $5 for each 100 word review of a...

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    13 Seed Funding Options For Entrepreneurs

    One of the most difficult parts of starting a startup for any entrepreneur is finding that small bit of seed capital to get things going. As evidenced by small seed funds like Y Combinator, a little can go a long way for startup entrepreneurs, but raising that chunk of change...

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    Facebook’s Lifestream: Nothing to See Here

    A new post on the Facebook blog announces the arrival of "a new way to share with friends" - that is, they're offering a way for you to import content from non-Facebook sites into your Facebook Mini-Feed and into your friends' News Feeds. This new option is being touted on...

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    Facebook Lexicon Launches – Google Trends for Facebook

    Facebook has just launched a neat new trend mapping tool, called Lexicon. Similar to Google Trends, it allows you to create a trend graph for different words and (two-word) phrases on Facebook Walls. It has a surprisingly slick UI too, with the scroll bar enabling you to zoom in and...

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    Meme13 Tries and Fails to Solve the Techmeme Echo-Chamber Problem

    Many people love to check out automated blog meme aggregator Techmeme throughout the day for the latest in tech news - but a considerable number of other people consider it a self-promoting echo chamber that poisons the tech blog discussion with "me too" follow-on posts and props up a handful...

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    ReadBurner Relaunches

    ReadBurner was an RSS aggregator service which displayed the most popular URLs at any given time based on how many people had shared them through Google Reader's Shared Items. To much disappointment, the site shut its doors last month, when the site's owner Alex Marktl could no longer make time...

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    Calais Gets a WordPress Plugin

    Open Calais, a semantic markup API from Reuters that we've written about on ReadWriteWeb before, has finally gotten the Wordpress plugin it has been looking for since January, when it started a bounty program seeking one. The new plugins come from developer Dan Grossman and represent one of the first...

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    Windows Live Mesh to Launch Next Week

    Microsoft watchers are all abuzz about an announcement the company is scheduled to make at the Web 2.0 Expo next week. It's believed that the event will be where Live Mesh launches (link redirects to boring login). A mysterious project believed to tie together a number of different technologies acquired...

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    Farecast: Travel Nerds Rumored to Have Been Bought

    Seattle PI tech beat reporter and frequent news breaker John Cook is reporting that the math-heavy travel price prediction service Farecast has been bought by parties unknown for $75 million. The Seattle company has refused comment on the acquisition rumor. Farecast uses extensive historical observation and algorithmic analysis to search...

  • Mobile
    Is the Mobile Web Dead? Some Mobile Entrepreneurs Say Yes

    Former Yahoo! Mobile evangelist turned startup entrepreneur Russell Beattie announced today that he's calling it quits for his company Mowser because the market for mobile browsing is taking a fast turn for the worse. "The mobile traffic just isn't there," Beattie says, "It's not there now, and it won't be."Beattie's...

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    Report: YouTube Dominates Video More than Google Dominates Search

    Traffic analysts Hitwise released new numbers today indicating that while online video sites as a category have seen a 7% drop in traffic year over year since March 2007 - YouTube has seen a remarkable 32% growth in visits during that period. YouTube's market share in the video sector is...

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    Google Gives Up Control of Keyhole Markup Language (KML)

    Google announced today that mapping markup language KML has been accepted by and will be given to the Open Geospatial Consortium, an international mapping standards body. KML will now be known as OpenGIS® KML Encoding Standard (OGC KML), opening up what should be an explosive new era in online mapping.The...

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    WikiFM – Great Idea, Poor Execution

    Recently, a new Wikipedia mashup came on the scene - WikiFM, this one a mashup of Wikipedia and popular music streaming service Last.fm. The mashup lets you listen to Last.fm via a player loaded in a frame on the right while the Wikipedia page for the artist or band is...

  • Social
    Facebook Asking for Friend Suggestions

    Nick O'Neil has the scoop on a new Facebook feature that asks members to suggest friends for new users. The feature is a refinement of the "people you may know" feature that Facebook quietly launched in March. Because new users don't have many connections, the "people you may know" feature...

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