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    Etelos Goes Offline with MediaWiki, WordPress and the Apps You Build

    The Etelos Application Framework today launched a key new feature: the ability for applications there to run offline and sync when connectivity is available. The company requires zero code changes to be made in order for apps to go offline. From apps developed natively for the Etelos marketplace to enterprise...

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    Enterprise 2.0 To Become a $4.6 Billion Industry By 2013

    A new report released today by Forrester Research is predicting that enterprise spending on Web 2.0 technologies is going to increase dramatically over the next five years. This increase will include more spending on social networking tools, mashups, and RSS, with the end result being a global enterprise market of...

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    Social|median: Personalized News Filter – 1000 Invites

    Over the past couple of months, Jason Goldberg, who previously founded job search engine Jobster and vacated the CEO role last December to "pursue other early stage ventures," has quietly relaunched his personal blog social|median and transformed it into a collaborative news filtering service. The service is still very rough...

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    ReadWriteWeb Turns 5

    On 20 April, 2003, ReadWriteWeb was born. My first post here was appropriately entitled The Read/Write Web and it began: "The World Wide Web in 2003 is beginning to fulfil the hopes that Tim Berners-Lee had for it over 10 years ago when he created it." At the time I...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 14-18 April 2008

    Here are the highlights from the week's stories on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side, we analyzed the increasing mainstreaming of social news site digg; and we reviewed some awesome new web apps (Grooveshark, SixApart's BlogIt, Twhirl, Alert Thingy, and others). On web trends, there was a meme this week that...

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    Prioritize Your Feed Reading: Newsgator Integrates AideRSS

    Newsgator Online, the company's web-based feed reader and until now a relatively weak product, rolled out a feature today that makes the service worth another look. One of our favorite filtering services, AideRSS, is now ranking by popularity the individual items in feeds you subscribe to. Newsgator users can now...

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    ReadBurner Goes Mobile

    On Tuesday, the RSS aggregator service, ReadBurner, relaunched (our coverage) and brought with it a new look and many new features that improved upon the previous version of the site. Today, there comes even more news from the service: a launch of a mobilized version of the ReadBurner web site....

  • Social
    Twitpitch: The Elevator Pitch Hits Twitter

    We've all heard of the elevator pitch: the brief overview of a product, service, or project that can be delivered in the time it takes to ride an elevator, usually around 30 seconds or so. Now here comes a new idea: the Twitpitch, and yes, it's just what you think...

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    Pageflakes Acquired By LiveUniverse: Further Push Into Social Networking

    AJAX start page provider Pageflakes officially announced today that it has been acquired by LiveUniverse. The deal is a combination of cash and stock, but the size of the acquisition was not disclosed. LiveUniverse, which was founded by MySpace founder Brad Greenspan, owns a number of social networking and video...

  • Social
    New Facebook Ad Network Takes a Page from Beacon

    Identified Hits is a new Facebook ad network that is taking a page from the Beacon play book. Beacon, you'll remember, is Facebook's endorsement-based ad service that uses user actions on outside sites to endorse products and services in the News Feed. Identified Hits is utilizing the same concept to...

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    Web 2.0 Expo Competition Winners

    We had a great response to last night's competition offering 2 full passes to the upcoming Web 2.0 Expo. Over 100 people left a comment telling us their favorite web app(s). Sadly, there can only be 2 winners. They were selected at random, using a cool web app called Random.org....

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    Super Hot: Muxtape With Coverflow

    MP3 "mix tape" site Muxtape has been my preferred source of new music for the last few weeks now, in large part because the simple interface is such a joy to use. Now, internet and organic root-beer lover Colin Sproule has come up with a great way for Mac users...

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    MyOpenID for Your Domain – The Easiest Way to Use Your URL as an OpenID

    OpenID, a technology that allows users to sign in to new supporting websites through a single trusted ID provider of their choice, is notoriously hard for non-developers to implement and in many cases use. One of the biggest challenges may have been eliminated, however, by the recent release of a...

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    Battle of the AIR Apps: Twhirl vs. Alert Thingy

    Today, the battle between the two most popular AIR apps as of late has begun. Yesterday, the FriendFeed AIR app, Alert Thingy, having only just launched on April 13th, was already getting an update - this one to include Twitter support via a built-in "Tweet" button. Not to be outdone,...

  • Web
    Google News Becomes Near Real-Time Bartlett’s

    Just two days after Microsoft released a Google News competitor, Google has upped the ante by adding a useful new feature to their popular news site: Quotations. Google announced today that it is now augmenting searches for newsworthy names with recent quotes by those people. The quotes are pulled from...

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    Inbox 3.0 Brings Better RSS to Outlook

    NewsGator is a company that develops RSS aggregators for individuals and businesses. It is the maker of the popular FeedDemon RSS Reader for Windows and NetNewsWire for Mac. Today, NewsGator has announced a new version of their RSS Reader, designed specifically for users of Microsoft Outlook. The new program, Inbox...

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    Amazon Gets Serious About AWS, Adds Premium Support

    Amazon today announced premium for-pay support packages for some of its core infrastructure services. The Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and Simple Queue Service (SQS) each received the gold and silver level support treatment. The new support packages provide one-on-one support for AWS customers (24/7 via phone...

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    Competition: Win a Free Pass to Web 2.0 Expo

    ReadWriteWeb has 2 tickets to next week's Web 2.0 Expo to give away, courtesy of Technorati. These are full conference passes, worth $1,895 each, so they will get you into every workshop and conference session. To be in with a chance to win one of these passes, all you have...

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    Alexa Updates Its Web Rankings – Still Not Good Enough

    Amazon-owned Alexa has announced a major update to its 10 year old web ranking system. Previously, Alexa's rankings were based solely on data collected from the downloadable Alexa Toolbar, but now the company is aggregating data from multiple sources. That's good news, but it may be too little, too late...

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    Get Satisfaction API Lands – Customer Support Mashups Coming?

    The Get Satisfaction API that we reported on in February was finally released today. Two months ago, Get Satisfaction said they were "superclose" to releasing the API -- perhaps not so close as they thought. However, the company today announced the release of that API with the goal "to expose...

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