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  • Social
    How To Find the Top Twitterers in Your City

    While it's fun to follow some of the bigger names on Twitter like Scoble, Jason, Leo, and Kevin, it's even better when you find others with similar interests with whom you can have real conversations. And even better than that is finding others to connect with from your same hometown....

  • Web
    MySpace Partners with Yahoo, Twitter, eBay on Data “Availability”

    In a surprise move just unveiled this morning, a handful of big players led by MySpace and Yahoo! have announced that public profiles, photos, videos and friend networks will now be portable from one site to another. We're immediately wondering why this was a partnership between a handful of big...

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    Quantcast Launches Demographic Search

    Website traffic monitoring service Quantcast has launched a new search function that lets logged-in users search for sites that have particular audience demographics. Interested in finding websites that get a lot of traffic from young, childless, US "Hispanics" with an annual income over $100k per year? Quantcast suggests you check...

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    What Should Digg Cover at the Upcoming Town Hall?

    Yesterday, on Digg the Blog, Digg founder Kevin Rose announced the next Townhall, scheduled for Monday, May 12th at 8 PM EDT/5 PM PDT. Like the last one (our coverage), this Townhall will also be a virtual meeting held as a live webcast and made available for download afterwards. The...

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    Bizzlr Does Social Network Recommendations

    Many small and medium sized businesses may have an interest in maintaining a presence on social networks, but don't the time, money, or resources to do so. For them, a new service provided by a company called Bizzlr can help. For a small monthly fee, companies can use Bizzlr's solution...

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    Yahoo.com Sends a Ton of Talkative Traffic

    Last night ReadWriteWeb got its first link on the Yahoo homepage, thanks to Yahoo Buzz - the beta social news service that is letting blogs get coverage on the world's most trafficked website. Our initial turn on yahoo.com happened late at night, 10pm PST, and lasted around 3.5 hours. It...

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    Piwik: Open Source Google Analytics Alternative

    Google Analytics may be free, but it is still based on proprietary technology - which means you only ever get reports on the things that Google thinks are necessary and some of those reports are aimed at people using Google's other services (managing campaigns on AdWords, for example). Further, using...

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    Is Tiny Seesmic Going to Take Over the World?

    Andy Plesser at Beet.TV got the scoop from video chat platform Seesmic that the company will be powering video comments for Moveable Type and TypePad blogs beginning next month, just like they have for WordPress.com since last month. Founder Loic Le Meur wrote this week that Seesmic will this month...

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    Microsoft’s Brand Confusion Runs Deep

    The LiveSide blog today took a look at all the different bits of Microsoft's Live.com search universe and found that while the new look may live up to the stated design principle of "Simple and powerful. Human. Fast." it doesn't provide a common, unified experience. LiveSide found four different search...

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    OpenOffice 3.0 Beta – Now Easy on a Mac

    The free office suite OpenOffice is now offering a beta of version 3.0 for testing and it's easier than ever for Mac owners to start using it right away. Why would you use OpenOffice when Google Docs is so easy? Some times it's nice to have a more robust, desktop...

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    The Other Startup Exit: SitePoint Marketplace

    About a year ago, the so-called "eBay exit," in which startups sold themselves on eBay, got a lot of buzz after an article in USA Today. We picked up the story as well and noted a number of relatively high profile eBay start up exits, the most famous of which...

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    Similarr: Talk About Search Results

    Similarr is a new search mashup that turns search results into highly targeted discussion forums. The site mashes search results from Live.com with a customized version of the open source phpBB forum to create a search engine the encourages discussion about its results. There is certainly room for improvement, but...

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    MindTouch Goes Polyglot, Gets Nod From Mozilla

    Open source wiki and application platform Deki Wiki, powered by MindTouch, is releasing a new version of its software today that makes it easy to switch between multiple languages for the content and interface of any page on a wiki. The company claims now to offer the first polyglot application...

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    The Stats Are In: You’re Just Skimming This Article

    Earlier this this year, we commented on the infamous Steve Jobs quote "...the fact is people don't read anymore," arguing that, people do read, they just prefer to do it online. However, in this transition from page to screen, a question has risen: are people really reading online content or...

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    Rise of an Internet Star – Parlaying YouTube Fame Into Big Business

    When I was a kid, I made dumb videos that a total of 5 people actually watched -- me and the 4 other kids I made them with. But today, a kid with a funny video can be seen by millions of people, whether he is swinging a golf ball...

  • Social
    Hitwise: MySpace Takes 3/4ths of US Social Network Traffic

    According to web measurement firm Hitwise, MySpace commands 73.82% of all social networking traffic. The data comes from Hitwise's special social networking category, which tracks US traffic 57 leading social networks. MySpace took nearly 74% of all traffic to those sites in April, with Facebook second at 14.8% and MyYearBook...

  • Entertainment
    Interview with Neil Young on Music Piracy, MP3 Hell and Finding Freaks on the Web

    Here at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco Neil Young just announced that his whole life's work will be made available on in a dynamically updating collection delivered on Blu-ray disk. After his Keynote announcement I was fortunate enough to participate in a small group interview with a handful of...

  • Web
    Dynamic Bookmarking Service Iterasi Launches Public Beta

    The new browser-bookmarking service, iterasi, which we covered back in February of this year, has just launched their public beta today. This service is meant to complement, not compete with, today's standard lot of bookmarking tools, like del.ici.ous, ma.gnolia, and diigo, as iterasi doesn't simply save a URL, but instead...

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    Neil Young Announces Collected Work With Dynamic Updates from the Web

    I'm here at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco where Neil Young, legendary rocker and the provider of the soundtrack to my early 20's, is announcing a very cool project with Sun Microsystems. For the first time, Young's entire collection of published media will be available for purchase, beginning today...

  • Social
    Twitter Leads Social Networks in Downtime, But Still Up Near 99%

    A new report from Royal Pingdom reveals that Twitter unsurprisingly led social networks in downtime for the first four months of 2008 with a total of 37 hours and 16 minutes. The good news is that even with all that downtime, that's still a 98.72% uptime percentage for the first...

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