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  • Web
    MrBabyMan: Digg Users Revolt, Against the One Pure Man at the Top

    Andrew Sorcini lives in Los Angeles, works as an animator for Disney and is the most powerful user that social news site Digg.com has ever seen. Known at Digg and elsewhere as MrBabyMan, Sorcini has submitted a site-leading 2,400+ stories that have hit the site's coveted front page. Those front...

  • Web
    Demand.OpenID.net: A One Click Call to Action

    OpenID provider JanRain has launched an interesting project called Demand OpenID, which lets users click a bookmarklet whenever they are on a website that they want to request OpenID support on. It's a handy, if a touch rude, way to demonstrate user demand for OpenID on popular websites.Right now the...

  • Web
    Snackr is an RSS Addict’s Dream Come True

    Snackr is a new Adobe AIR app that lets you display items in your RSS feeds in a beautiful scrolling ticker on any edge of your screen. I am absolutely giddy about it after only a few minutes of use. Snackr is something you'd supplement your existing reader with, not...

  • Social
    The Most Popular Twitter Apps According to the Blogosphere

    Six weeks ago, ReadWriteWeb published their definitive list of the top Twitter clients. The methodology for that list was watching the Twitter public feed and logging tweet sources. However, how does the list of clients people are using match up the list of the ones people are talking about? Using...

  • Web
    AideRSS Updates Filtering: Adds Twitter

    Allen Stern points out that RSS filtering service AideRSS has added Twitter to its PostRank algorithm. AideRSS works by measuring social media interaction with blog posts, and then comparing them to what's normal for that blog. The service then algorithmically applies a ranking to each post allowing users to filter...

  • Entertainment
    Songza Announces Facebook App and API

    The music search engine and Internet jukebox, Songza, lets you seek out any song on the web and stream it immediately. In January of this year, we announced the site's partnerships with Seeqpod and Skreemr, which allowed them to grown their online library to 28 million songs. Now, Songza grows...

  • Web
    Spongecell Promote: The Event Management Platform

    Last August we called Spongecell "the most intuitive of the online calendar apps," and picked it as one of our 10 Must Have Online Office Apps. Since then, though, a lot has changed. Spongecell is no longer just a personal calendar, but rather a full-scale event management platform aimed at...

  • Web
    Knewsroom: A Look at the Latest Social News Site

    The way we create, interact with, and share information on the web is continuously changing, and at a very rapid pace. The end goal, most would argue, is the create a medium that completely democratizes the entire process. This evolution has taken us through editorially driven community sites (Slashdot), socially...

  • Web
    Poll: Will You Still Use Plaxo?

    Since we reported yesterday that cable and Internet provider Comcast had acquired social address book Plaxo for an estimated $150 million, we've been fielding a lot of comments and emails -- most of them not very supportive of the acquisition. Most people seem wary of Comcast -- which has a...

  • Web
    Why Gen Y Is Going to Change the Web

    Gen Y is taking over. The generation of young adults that's composed of the children of Boomers, Generation Jones, and even some Gen X'ers, is the biggest generation since the Baby Boomers and three times the size of Gen X. As the Boomers fade into retirement and Gen Y takes...

  • Web
    The Monkey is Out of the Bag: Yahoo! Opens Search Developer Platform

    Paul Miller reports that Yahoo! is today opening up its open developer platform for search SearchMonkey. SearchMonkey, which we reported on at the Web 2.0 Expo, is a component of a major overhaul at Yahoo! across all of its properties to "rewire" for the social graph and data portability. SearchMonkey...

  • Web
    Who’s Watching Your Videos? YouTube Now Offers Free Demographics

    Google announced this morning that YouTube's new Insight video viewer analytics now includes free demographic stats on any video's viewers. YouTube users who have included gender in their user profiles can be anonymously reported and providing your age is a requirement to open an account with YouTube. It's interesting to...

  • Web
    CBS Pays $1.8 Billion for CNet: CNet Shows How It’s Done

    In a deal that was surprising only in its price, CBS has announced that it will buy CNet, owners of everything from News.com to Download.com to our competitors Webware, for $1.8 billion.That's 10% more than Google paid for YouTube, and that deal was all for stocks. CBS paid a 45%...

  • Web
    iSlsk Brings Filesharing to the iPhone

    Soulseek, which was creted by former Napster programmer Nir Arbel and visibly resembles early versions of Napster, is not one of the most popular filesharing apps. It doesn't have the mainstream appeal of Kazaa or Limewire, nor does it garner the press attention of BitTorrent. And that's all probably fine...

  • Mobile
    What’s Plaguing Your Mobile Social Network?

    While social media services such as Twitter and Friendfeed are great ways to start making connections, nothing compares to face-to-face interaction. Mobile social networks like Brightkite aim to bring users together by allowing users to connect with others that are in the same location and interact more honestly with one...

  • Web
    Blist Gets Updated – Now More Stable, More Social

    Blist, the cloud database application, which we covered back in March when they launched into their public beta, just received a big update yesterday. The update addresses, for the most part, stability and performance issues, but it also includes some new social features as well.What's NewResponding to user feedback, the...

  • Web
    Print 2.0 Experiment Brijit Goes Belly Up

    In a tragic and surprising turn of events, Brijit, one of the most interesting startups on the web, has announced that the company has run out of money and will cease operations until more funding is found. Brijit offered 100 word summaries of the best long-form content in print, on...

  • Web
    The Rise of Contextual User Interfaces

    Web 2.0 has brought many wonderful innovations and ideas to the Internet. We can no longer imagine the web without a social dimension, and we can no longer imagine an online world that is read-only - it is now a read/write web full of user-generated content. But there is another...

  • Web
    Adobe Releases Flash 10 Beta

    Adobe announced today the release of the Flash Player 10 beta, previously code named "Astro," on the Adobe Labs site. The beta is available for download immediately at the Astro web page and adds a number of compelling features to the Flash player. Adobe, which claims that the Flash player...

  • Web
    YackTrack Gets Updated, Adds Chatter

    At the end of April, we covered the launch of YackTrack, a new tool that helps fight the conversation fragmentation issues. The service provides a method for tracking the conversations taking place around your content. You just enter a URL and it searches sites like Digg, Disqus, FriendFeed, Mixx, StumbleUpon,...

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