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    Microsoft Silverlight to be Installed on Millions of HP Computers

    Microsoft announced this morning that HP computers will soon be shipped with Live.com as their default search engine. The big news, though, isn't that Live's hit-it-with-a-stick ugly search results will be placed in front of millions of eyes. The most important part of the announcement is that the search toolbar...

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    Google Finance and the Real Time Web

    Google is announcing this morning that after more than a year of work on the problem, Google Finance is now offering real-time price quotes for any stock traded on NASDAQ. As Henry Blodget points out at Silicon Alley Insider, Yahoo! Finance has had real time quotes for a while now...

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    Trackur Version 2 Launches, Adds Trackur Trends

    Trackur is a tool for monitoring your online reputation that scours blogs, news sites, images, and videos so you can track buzz about your name, company brands, industry trends, products, or news about your competitor. The service continually monitors nearly all of social media, including blogs, videos, images, bookmarks, and...

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    Blender Open Movie Project 2 Released

    In a bid to push open source 3D modeling software Blender as a suitable environment for professional 3D animation, Blender has released the results of its second open movie project. The 10-minute animated short, Big Buck Bunny, was released free on the Internet last Friday. The movie is licensed under...

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    Blockbuster Kiosks: Still a Bad Idea

    Blockbuster is struggling, and seems to be trying as hard as it can to keep that moniker. Even though the company's finance's are looking up, it continues to make one questionable move after another in its attempt to compete with Netflix, Apple, and Amazon. From its decision to try buying...

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    Eurekster Back Up After 10 Days Offline; Rumors That Google Behind its Decline

    On May 22 we reported that Eurekster, a custom search engine provider, had been down for the past two days and users were wondering if the company would be back. Tonight an alert RWW reader spotted that Eurekster has returned to the land of the living. A blog entry dated...

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    Adobe Launches Online Office Suite and New Flash-Enabled Acrobat 9

    Back in March, we said Adobe was slowly building an online empire. Today, that news turns out to be true. Adobe is has just launched their version of an online office suite available at Acrobat.com, complete with word processor (Buzzword), web conferencing/whiteboard app (ConnectNow), online file sharing (Share), file storage,...

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    Future of the Web Debate: Needs Your Votes!

    As we blogged recently, ReadWriteWeb is the exclusive Media Partner for an interactive debate on the future of the Web being held by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Tetherless World Research Constellation. In this post we check in to see what the top questions are so far - and...

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    RSS Reset: Dump Your Feeds for a Month

    Are you subscribing to too many blogs? Tired of the same old stuff flowing through your feeds? Think there's a better way? Well, I have just the idea for you. Join myself and others in the dumping of our RSS feeds for an entire month!RSS Reset MonthDevised by myself and...

  • Social
    6 Great Tools to Save Links for Later

    Unfortunately, there just aren't enough hours in the day. This seems to be especially true when you take on a lot of projects. Between blogging, researching, emailing, and real life, reading all of your feeds isn't something we can do all the time. Sometimes, we see something that we'd love...

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    Enterprise Adoption of Web 2.0: It’s Happening

    If you're a business who has been ignoring the Web 2.0 trend and the spread of social media: look out, the tide is shifting and you're about to be left behind. The rise of social media didn't happen overnight, the power of the internet to unite people, the ubiquity of...

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    Happy Anniversary AltSearchEngines

    On Monday, June 2, RWW network blog AltSearchEngines will be celebrating its one year anniversary with a post-a-thon! There will be one post every hour for 24 hours announcing...NEW relaunch of our forums!NEW AltSearchEngines conference!NEW Top 100 Alts list for June 2008! [more after the fold]NEW get money back for...

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    LastGraph – Visualize Your Last.fm History

    Last.fm is a great music service that keeps track of your listening habits. Though you can view stats such as last played tracks, top artists, or most played songs with just words and numbers, it can be limiting in so many ways. We're huge fans of visualization tools, so wouldn't...

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    Weekly Wrapup, 26-30 May 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we covered announcements by Google about Gears and App Engine, we looked at some compelling Yahoo! Pipes apps, we checked out Strands Lifestreaming, and we reviewed promising Semantic Apps Faviki and Freebase....

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    Oh Boy Obama: User Generated Campaign Think Tank

    Outsourcing research and development to customers via Digg-style voting is a hot trend for tech-savvy companies right now. Dell did it with IdeaStorm (our coverage), Starbucks did it with My Starbucks Idea (our coverage), and Salesforce did it with IdeaExchange. The concept has now made the leap to politics with...

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    Award Winning Fiction in 140 Characters

    "Constraints drive innovation and force focus," according to 37Signals in their popular "Getting Real" book. If that's true, then Copyblogger's Twitter Writing Contest, announced a couple of weeks ago, should have had writers brimming with creativity. The task? Write a short story in 140 characters. Not less than 140 characters,...

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    Could Struggling Economy Help Second Life?

    Forget taking a class in social media, how about taking a class in social media? Specifically, virtual worlds. No, not taking a class about virtual worlds, but actually donning an avatar and going to see your professor (who very well could be dressed as a unicorn) inside Second Life. That's...

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    Android Is Out For iPhone Blood

    Wednesday, at Google's I/O Event, the company demonstrated their Android prototype phone, a device which has been greatly improved since its last public outing at this year's CES and Mobile World conferences. Today, Android looks classy enough that you half-expected them to pull a Steve Jobs and announce that you...

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    Web Technology Trends for 2008 and Beyond: Update

    Today I gave a presentation at the XMediaLab event in Wellington New Zealand, entitled: What's Next on the Web? Web Technology Trends for 2008 and Beyond. It was an update of a presentation I gave in Sydney in March. It covers some of the top trends we track on ReadWriteWeb;...

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    What Google Looks For in Potential Acquisitions

    Today I attended the XMediaLab event in Wellington New Zealand (my hometown). Tom Duterme, who is in the New Business Development group at Google in Mountain View, was here talking about innovation. Tom's job is to travel around the world looking for acquisitions for Google, so it was interesting to...

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