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  • Social
    JustMeans – A Social Media Starting Point for Businesses

    Businesses strive to find the best avenues to connect with their audience. Today, social media is one of those avenues that not many companies are pursuing. Social media can be a platform that's associated with many risks for these companies.JustMeans is a social media platform that aims to change all...

  • Web
    Strands Lifestreaming: What They’re Doing and Invites for Readers

    Recommendation service Strands.com launched a lifestreaming service this week that aims to pull together the company's wide range of services in particular media and online activity into one central place for users to share socially. The new Strands is a way to share your music, bookmarks, blog posts and other...

  • Mobile
    Google’s Android: How Will it Compare to iPhone?

    RWW network blog last100 has coverage of the latest Android news coming from Google's I/O conference. Dan Langendorf writes that "as you would expect from the company that brings you search and Google Maps, Android handles information delivery, location and navigation extremely well -- or so we think. There's still...

  • Web
    Semantic Search: The Myth and Reality

    For a few years now people have been talking about semantic search. Any technology that stands a chance to dethrone Google is of great interest to all of us, particularly one that takes advantage of long-awaited and much-hyped semantic technologies. But no matter how much progress has been made, most...

  • Web
    idAuth: Proposed Push Identity-Data Relationship Standard

    How can people be sure that a blog comment left by "Bill Gates" is from the real Bill Gates? How does your lifestream aggregator know? Web developer Kyle Brady, creator of lifestream aggregator OneSwirl, has proposed a system he calls idAuth that he thinks addresses this issue. idAuth is a...

  • Web
    MediaDefender Behind the Attack on Revision3

    MediaDefender is a company that acts on behalf of other media companies to muck up P2P and file sharing networks. They're the ones seeding BitTorrent with fake files - a tactic they hope will make filesharing appear to be too much of a hassle and therefore not worth the effort....

  • Social
    How Many Friends is Too Many?

    Offline, I have a network of under 50 people that I interact on a regular basis as friends. But online, the concept of "friend" is completely different. On Facebook I have nearer to 250 friends, on Twitter I have just over 300 followers. That's just a blip compared to how...

  • Web
    Who Owns All These Comments? You? Us? Someone Else?

    Hank Williams relates a story about one of Robert Scoble's comments on FriendFeed being deleted after the author of the blog post he was commenting one removed his FriendFeed account. While the cynical response might be, "So one of the ten million comments Scoble leaves each day was delete --...

  • Web
    The Ultimate Yahoo! Pipes Creations List

    Yahoo! Pipes is one of the coolest ways to mashup the RSS feeds of various sites and sources to get the data you want. Since our coverage of Yahoo! Pipes, thousands of creations are now available. However, finding the best picks can be tough. ReadWriteWeb has done the hardest part...

  • Web
    Buzz-Monitoring Platform TruCast Launches New Version

    In our recent article "When User-Generated Content Goes Bad," we highlighted the challenges that companies face today when delving into marketing campaigns that revolve around user-generated content. To combat potential problems, some businesses employ professional tools to monitor the conversations, but others are just now discovering the necessity of doing...

  • Web
    Freebase: Dispelling The Skepticism

    Freebase, the first product of semantic web company Metaweb, is an open, semantically marked up database of information that we called one of the "10 semantic apps to watch" last year. With $57.4 million in funding, a smart team, and a tech legend in Danny Hillis at the helm, Metaweb...

  • Social
    The Fork in the Road for Social Media

    Social networking is at a major fork in the road. Down one road is adding more features to a walled garden and opening up just enough, so that users seldom need to leave. Most sites are going down this yellow brick road and the prize is clearly a big one....

  • Web
    15 Places to Find Great Screencasts

    Screencasts, how-to videos that show only what's happening on the computer screen, have been around since as early as 1994, according to Wikipedia. But in recent years, their popularity as an instructional method has grown and screencasts have become an essential means of teaching on the web (the term "screencast"...

  • Web
    DreamFactory Launches Affordable Enterprise 2.0 Cloudware Suite

    A company called DreamFactory based in Mountain View, CA has just launched a new Enterprise 2.0 suite of applications called the "DreamTeam Suite." The suite's social element, which consists of online collaboration between team members, gives the suite its "Enterprise 2.0" flair, a term that loosely applies to any business-ready...

  • Social
    SezWho: How it Compares to Disqus & Intense Debate

    Today SezWho a universal profile, content discovery, and a sophisticated reputation engine provider, has announced its acquisition of Tejit, a provider of semantic intelligence solutions. The acquisition enables SezWho to provide more precise contextual reputation scores for contributors based on topics of conversation. ReadWriteWeb gives you an in-depth look into...

  • Web
    Google Gears Turns One: Future is in Open Standards

    Google Gears, the offline web application API it debuted last year at its developer conference, is turning one this week, and to celebrate, Google will be dropping the company name from Gears. The name change is a symbolic move aimed at reinforcing Google's commitment to working with existing standards communities...

  • Web
    SocialHistory.js: See Which Sites Your Users Visit

    With so many social media sites in circulation today, badge soup can become a real problem for web sites trying to squeeze the most out of their traffic. Everyone has a different set of core social media sites that they use -- from del.icio.us and Ma.gnolia, to Digg, Reddit, and...

  • Mobile
    Experience Better Mobile Web Browsing with Skyfire

    Skyfire, the mobile web browser that allows users to experience the web as they would on a PC, has secured $13 Million in Series B Funding. The application has a waiting list that amounts to the publicity Gmail received with its invite system. Here's a closer look at a next...

  • Web
    Recommendation and RSS: A Look at Two Readers Filtering the Noise

    With all the discussions about informationoverload and the need for filtering, it looks like we're going to finally start getting some relief. This month, two companies made announcements about updates to their RSS readers which will now provide their users with built-in filtering technologies. Those two companies are illumio and...

  • Web
    Mobile 2.0 Europe: RWW Has 5 Free Tickets

    The next Mobile 2.0 Conference is happening in Europe, on July 4 in Barcelona, Spain. ReadWriteWeb is a media partner, because we support what Rudy De Waele and team are doing to promote the Mobile Web across the world. I myself attended the last event in San Francisco last October...

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