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    BrandTags – Half Hot Or Not, Half Poetry – About Brands

    Marketing consultant and web connoisseur Noah Brier has launched a simple but fascinating project called BrandTags.net. The idea is that visitors are shown a logo, we respond with a word or very short phrase that we associate with the corresponding brand and then we're given the option to view all...

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    Google Friend Connect Tries to Strangle the Social

    Later tonight Google will launch a new service called Friend Connect, aiming to "bring the social" to any page around the web. Unfortunately the service takes a bunch of open technical standards yearning to see the light of day through mass adoption and puts them in a dark little box...

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    RSSmeme Launches API, Provides Filtering Tools Galore

    Benjamin Golub has been busy. He runs the site RSSmeme, an RSS aggregator that displays the top Shared Items items from Google Reader users. For a brief time, RSSmeme was the only Google Reader aggregator in town after ReadBurner closed up shop. But not too much later, ReadBurner was purchased...

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    FuelFrog: Track Your Gas Mileage

    Yesterday I filled the gas tank of my Toyota Camry and it came to just under $60. To be fair, it could have been a lot worse -- compared to many parts of the country, where I live gasoline is still relatively cheap. But in this world of rising fuel...

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    Your Guide to the Crowdsourced Workforce

    Crowdsourcing, a term coined by Jeff Howe in a June 2006 issue of Wired magazine, is a model of labor that has been fully embraced on the Internet over the past couple of years. Crowdsourcing takes tasks traditionally done by a single person or small groups of people, and farms...

  • Social
    Nexus Graphs Your Facebook Friends and More

    Looking to visualize your Facebook friend graph? You can with a Facebook app called Nexus. This app is a friend grapher that displays a visual analysis of your Facebook connections. But it's not just a pretty picture: in addition to viewing how your friends are connected, you can use Nexus...

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    Viewzi Takes Visual Search To Another Level

    Visualization tools are slowly making a way for themselves on the web. We have given you an extensive list of some of the best visualizations tools including visual search engines. However, there is one visual search engine that is making a name and breaking the mold: Viewzi, a visual search...

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    Will Google Join the Crowd With A “Friend Connect” Platform?

    Giant social networks Myspace and Facebook have plans to expand beyond their walls. Myspace announced on Thursday its Data Availability platform and Facebook countered quickly with Facebook Connect. Now it seems that Google's OpenSocial platform will join the ranks on Monday with "Friend Connect".Google's Friend Connect PlatformAccording to TechCrunch, Michael...

  • Social
    Why Filtering is the Next Step for Social Media

    If there's one thing to be learned from social media tools, it's that these services were not made to interact with one another. Complaints are rolling in and heated discussions are taking place about the noise levels within social media platforms. Here's a look at why noise levels are high...

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    11 Biz Dev 1.0 Tips

    ReadWriteWeb's Alex Iskold recently described modern Biz Dev 2.0 techniques that do not involve knocking on doors and talking to people. The Internet is great at automating routine transactions and more software is being sold as a service on a simple "click here" to subscribe basis. But occasionally some contact...

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    5 Tools Everyone Working Online Should Have (IMHO)

    The number of people whose work is touched by the internet these days is hard to imagine. Many of us have been working full-time online for a while, but for the vast majority of people online today that's not the case. Here at RWW we communicate with people with a...

  • Social
    Facebook Answers MySpace Data Availability With Facebook Connect

    Yesterday, we brought you news of MySpace's surprising Data Portability partnerships with Yahoo!, Twitter, and Ebay, which will allow MySpace users to port their public profiles, photos, videos and some friend data from one site to another. Facebook, not looking to be outdone, has announced plans to launch their new...

  • Social
    What People Say When They Tweet

    Everyone is talking about Twitter (to the consternation of many of our readers, I'm sure), but what are people talking about on Twitter? It is really just a flood of inane status updates and fragmented chat, or are people actually talking about things that matter to them via the service?...

  • Web
    oEmbed: An Open Format for Embedding Media

    oEmbed is a newly released spec from Cal Henderson (of Flickr), Mike Malone and Leah Culver (of Pownce), and Richard Crowley (of OpenDNS) that allows web sites to quickly and easily embed media when a user posts a link directly to that resource. oEmbed is an open format which standardizes...

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    Roofarena: Bringing Million Dollar Homepage to Manhattan

    Roofarena is basically the Million Dollar Homepage concept built as a graphical layer on top of Google Maps. The idea is that any roof in Manhattan is for sale and users can "virtually" purchase a roof and add their own design. In a post about copycat ideas last year, we...

  • Social
    Free Webinar on Social Technology Today

    You've probably heard people talking about the new "it" book: "Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies." The book discusses the current trend of people using online social technologies like blogs, social networks, and podcasts, among other things, and how enterprise must learn to embrace these tools. Along...

  • Social
    The Ultimate Twitter Revenue Model

    The perennial debate surrounding Twitter's revenue model continues to live on. The micro-blogging service has succeeded in building a strong, loyal following, but failed to capitalize on it. Such a scenario, which lacks a revenue model, isn't sustainable over the long-term, especially when investors begin to question the company's intentions....

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    Google Web Security for Enterprise Puts IT in Control

    Yesterday Google announced a new product aimed specifically at Google Apps' enterprise customers. The service, powered by Google acquisition Postini with technology from ScanSafe, is called Google Web Security for Enterprise and it offers real-time malware protection and URL filtering with policy enforcement and reporting. Essentially, it's a big Google...

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    MetaASO: A Bootstrapped P2P Startup From India

    Anyone who has followed my posts on ReadWriteWeb, knows that I am interested in how innovation is going global, particularly innovation from India, and that I think P2P is the next great disruptive technology - the only one that could derail the Google steamroller. So it is no wonder that...

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    Google Says Goodbye to Hello

    Philipp Lenssen at Google Blogoscoped noticed today that Google announced that it will be shuttering its Hello photo sharing and chat application next week. Hello was an instant messenger-like desktop photo sharing application that made it easy to send photos to friends via an encrypted connection. The Hello.com web page...

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