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    IBM Wants a Piece of Web 2.0 Pie

    IBM has just announced the introduction of a new server designed specifically for Web 2.0 sites. This rack-mounted server is designed for running popular and heavily trafficked web sites like MySpace, Facebook, or any other site that requires the computing power of a massive data center with tens of thousands...

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    Internet Censorship Coming to Russia

    Russia, which is home to almost 30 million of Europe's 350 million Internet users may begin to extend its strict media censorship laws to the Internet, according to a report in the AFP. State newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported today that Russia's prosecutor's office wants to toughen its "anti-extremism" laws on...

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    FeedFlix Turns Netflix into a Social Network

    A new service called FeedFlix parses data out of Netflix RSS feeds and turns Netflix into a rudimentary social network. Though, it's not really very social yet. Every Netflix user has an RSS feed that includes information about the movies in your queue, the movies you have out, and which...

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    Grou.ps Launches Public Beta

    There are a lot of ways to collaborate online - wikis, forums, social networks - but there are very few providers that package all the tools together that a group might need. Grou.ps, a social groupware provider, aims to address that problem by providing its users one single package of...

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    Full Text of Ray Ozzie Mesh Memo

    As we wrote last night, the new Live Mesh service that just launched as an invite only "technology preview" is Microsoft's attempt to tie all of our data together. Live Mesh synchronizes data across multiple devices (currently just Windows computers, but theoretically it will extend to mobile and other devices...

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    Bungee Labs Evolves to Compete With Salesforce & Others

    Bungee Labs announced today at Web 2.0 Expo that it is expanding its hosting options, and also looking into open source as a way to connect with the developer community. Bungee Labs' main product is Bungee Connect, an end-to-end, cloud-based development platform for web applications. We covered the launch of...

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    Web 3.0 Through The Ages

    So we're only half a decade at most into the Web 2.0 era, and we still don't really know what "Web 2.0" is. Yet for some reason, over the past couple of years there has been an even more confusing meme that seems to keep cropping up: "Web 3.0." It...

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    Live Mesh: First Look at Microsoft’s New Platform

    The new Live Mesh service that just launched as an invite only "technology preview" is Microsoft's attempt to tie all of our data together. Live Mesh synchronizes data across multiple devices (currently just Windows computers, but theoretically it will extend to mobile and other devices in the future) as well...

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    Ray Ozzie Memo Explains Live Mesh Strategy

    Tonight Microsoft is launching a "tech preview" version of its latest platform, Live Mesh. The new platform is all about connecting devices to the Internet via Windows software. From an end user standpoint, it will enable users to sync their data across multiple devices and share with others. As of...

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    Take Your Friends’ Activities Wherever You Go With MySocial 24X7

    These days when I've got a hunger for some data I go to FriendFeed more often than I go anywhere else. It's great to be able to see all my friends' activities across multiple networks in one place. More than just an RSS aggregator, FriendFeed is a sophisticated platform for...

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    15 of the Best Green Search Engines

    Earth Day is a time to focus on our environmental progress and think about ways we can help protect the planet. There are a lot of ways you can take action, but one of the easiest ways is to utilize an eco-conscious search engine. In that spirit, we've rounded up...

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    BlogRovr Acquisition by BuzzLogic Calls Data Portability Into Question

    The innovative OPML browser plug-in BlogRovr is announcing tonight that it has been acquired by PR monitoring and ad sales startup BuzzLogic. It's a victory for all the startups who face hostile questions about "how are you going to monetize that?" and answer by pointing to the potential for data...

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    Flock Goes Green for Earth Day

    Flock, the Mozilla-based "social web browser," which we've profiled in the past here and here, has just announced its new Eco-edition browser just in time for Earth Day. This "green" version of the browser sports a new theme and comes pre-loaded with content that eco-minded folks will enjoy.Eco-Edition FeaturesThe most...

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    Wine, Film and Books: Adaptive Blue Offers Open Format to Make the Web Smarter

    Semantic web company Adaptive Blue has published what it hopes will become a standard for publishers who want to signal in their header tags when a webpage is primarily about a particular book, film, wine or other type of objects. From search to trend analysis to a richer browsing experience...

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    Alternative Search Engines Day – Call For Alts to Band Together

    I'm at the Alternative Search Engines Day, in San Francisco, an event put on by our network blog AltSearchEngines. We started out with a keynote talk by ASE editor Charles Knight, who noted that alternative search engines only have about 1.7% market share combined. He thinks this is too small,...

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    Start Pages: The Next Social Networks

    Google today made an announcement that could prove to be not only important to the evolution of OpenSocial and iGoogle, but also to the social networking sector itself. Google announced a new developer sandbox for iGoogle that includes support for their OpenSocial APIs. Essentially, Google is working toward turning their...

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    OpenID Usability: Two Solutions That Could Take OpenID Mainstream

    There's big news in the OpenID world; new solutions are hitting the market that aim to solve probably the biggest problem the paradigm faces - usability.JanRain, owners of MyOpenID.com, and ConfidentTechnologies are both making announcements that could help make OpenID much friendlier. Confident is the half of Vidoop that serves...

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    IdeaScale – Crowdsourcing R&D

    The hot idea of the moment for large companies is to outsource their research and development efforts to their customers. Who knows your product better than your most loyal fans? If they can collectively agree on the best way to improve it, it must be good, right? Dell did it...

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    Semantify Your Web Apps with Triplify

    Alright, "semantify" may not be an actual word, but you can probably guess at its meaning: "add a semantic layer to." In this case, we're looking at a small plugin called Triplify that reveals the semantic structures of web applications by converting their database content into semantic formats.About TriplifyTo grasp...

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    SproutBuilder Grows Up, Releases SDK

    SproutBuilder, the drag and drop Flash authoring environment for widget building we fell in love with at the DEMO conference, released a much more sophisticated version of its service today. Authoring controls are much improved and the new Software Development Kit offers a taste of the kind of extended functionality...

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